Sexuality - A word used in accordance to what gender/sex someone is either sexually or romantically attracted to. Sexuality is never chosen by choice, it is something in our DNA that makes us a certain sexuality. Though many people consider being something other than heterosexual (straight) unnatural, wrong, and "a choice", it is none of the above. In fact, not only has science proven that sexuality is indeed in our DNA and not a choice, but they have also observed and done experiments on many different species and breeds of animals to come to the conclusion that, yes, it is completely natural and is actually in many other types of creatures other than humans.
Heterosexual - A word used to describe someone's sexuality (see above - Sexuality) when they are only attracted to people of the opposite sex (a female attracted to male and a male attracted to female). A commonly used nickname for this sexuality is "straight", and to many people is thought to be the only "normal" sexuality, even though it has been proven wrong many times at this point in time.
Homosexual - A word used to describe someone's sexuality (see above - Sexuality) when they are only attracted to people of the same sex (female attracted to female and male attracted to male). A commonly used nickname for this sexuality is "gay" (and that is used for both sexes, but "lesbian" is another word created specifically for homosexusl females), and this sexuality is wrongly thought by many people to be wrong and unnatural, even though it has been proven wrong many times at this point in time.
Bisexual - A word used to describe someone's sexuality (see above - Sexuality) when they are attracted to both females and males. A shortened version of this word, Bi, is usually used for a person with this sexuality. Bisexuals are often insulted and criticized for "choosing a side" when picking a romantic partner, either a partner of the opposite sex or a partner of the same sex, even though (opinion warning) that thought is complete bullsh*t.
Heteroflexible - A word used to describe someone's sexuality (see above - Sexuality) when they are attracted to both sexes (male and female) but may have a preference towards people of the opposite sex. This is one of the lesser-known sexualities, and is unfortunately insulted quite a bit since many say it's "Just a Bisexual wanting more sttention" which is usually untrue.
Homoflexible - A word used to describe someone's sexuality (see above - Sexuality) when they are attracted to both sexes (male and female) but may have a preference towards people of the same sex. This is one of the lesser-known sexualities, and is unfortunately insulted quite a bit since many say it's "Just a Bisexual wanting more attention" which is usually untrue.
Pansexual - A word used to describe someone's sexuality (see above - Sexuality) when they are attracted to all sexes/genders. Well, they don't care about what sex or gender, they like who they like based on personality alone (though, as is with almost everyone, looks can be an influence). This is one of the lesser-known sexualities, though isn't as insulted as much as the previous few sexualities.
Asexual - A word used to describe someone's sexuality (see above - Sexuality) when they are not sexually attracted to anyone. This may pair up with several other sexualities such as Heteroromantic (being only romantically attracted to people of the opposite sex, not sexually), etc.
Queer/Questioning - A word used to describe people who are unsure of or are questioning their sexuality. It is also often used for people who identify as anything other than heterosexual/straight, though that is not the true definition.
Homophobe - A word used in usually two ways to describe someone, usually when talking about that person's attitude towards gays/lesbians/members of the lgbtq+ community. 1) Someone with an actual phobia of people attracted to the same sex, and that person cannot really control their fear (such as how a person with a phobia of spiders is scared of them and therefore does not want to be around them, the fear not fully in their control). This is the true definition of a homophobe. 2) A word commonly misused as a name/title for someone who hates and openly speaks against members of the lgbtq+ coomunity, without having an actual fear or phobia of them (see below - Asshole)
Heterophobe - A word most think does not exist, even though it does and, along with homophobes, needs to be dealt with in the best way possible. Again, naturally with all "phobes", it has two different meanings. 1) Someone with an actual phobia of people attracted to the opposite sex, and that person cannot really control their fear. (see above - Homophobe - for example) This would be the true definition of heterophobe. 2) A name/title for someone who hates and openly speaks against heterosexual (straight) people, without having an actual fear or phobia of them (see below - Asshole)
Asshole - A word usually used as an insult to someone, meaning they are unnecessarily mean, rude, unfair, prejudice, etc. to people, whether it be to a certain type of person, or just everyone in general.
LGBT+ - A word, or acronym, used to describe someone that is or identifies as something other than cis-gender or heterosexual (straight). Many believe it's just LGBT, but the + is needed as there's much more than that involved in the comunity.
Sex - A word used to describe someone in relation to how they were born, their genitals. If they were born with male genitals their sex is male and if they were born with female genitals their sex is female. The terms girl and boy are not technically terms in relation to sex, but instead gender.
Gender - A word hard to describe, as I don't believe there is a scientific explanation to it, but I may attempt to summarize it. Gender is a type of feeling people have, whether they are a girl, boy, agender, etc. While many people wrongly think there are only two genders, girl and boy, there are actually many more than that.
Cis-gender - A word used to describe someone who identifies as the gender they were born with. (e.g. A person born female identifying as a girl or a person born male identifying as a boy)
Agender - A word used to describe someone who identifies with not having a gender. These people usually go by they/them pronouns.
Bigender - A word used to describe someone who identifies with being both a girl and a boy. These people often go by they/them pronouns.
Gender-neutral - A word used to describe someone, usually a character such as in a game or book, that's gender is to be made up by the player or reader. (e.g. Frisk from Undertale is a Gender-neutral character that has no set gender)
Gender-fluid - A word used to describe someone who's identification may waver from time to time. Most of the time goes by they/them pronouns.
I just felt like this was something needed to be made, especially with everything going on (especially Friday and yesterday). If I missed anything, please tell me and I'll be sure to add it in.
Random Stuff
RandomRandom rants and stuff I need to say to something or someone. A lot of it is probably gonna be really stupid, but this is gonna be full of stupidity, and even this description is stupid because I can't explain the stupidity I'm gonna be writing abou...