Chapter 8: Deeper and Deeper

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I stood there motionless. My feet were glued to the ground and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t move them. The Prince saw my reaction.

“Do I have something on my face?” He half smiled, but I could see the worry in his eyes.

“Not at all.” I smiled politely. “Excuse me Prince-“ I stopped. I didn’t even know his name.

“Riley.” He finished for me.

“Riley.” I repeated. His name seemed to immediately stick in my brain. “I apologize, but I must leave.” I spun around on my heels and lifted the ends of my dress above the ground. I ran as fast as I could knowing that it was obvious that I was not royalty.

“Wait!” The Prince called after me. I pretended to ignore him. I looked behind me to see him sprinting after me. I was so busy watching him I wasn’t watching where I was going. Big mistake. I flat out ran into another Prince.

“Oh.” His eyes widened. “I’m extremely sorry.”

“No worries.” I gave a fast smile and tried to go around him.

“Grab her Christopher!” Prince Riley shouted to this prince. For some reason he did as told and grabbed my upper arm.

“What are you doing?!Let me go!” I jerked my arm as hard as I could but his grip was tight and Riley was getting closer and closer. He reached us and stopped to catch his breath.

“Riley?” This Prince Christopher questioned him.

“Thanks man. I can take it from here. Just go back inside and enjoy the ball. Oh, and try to keep anyone from coming out here.” Riley took me from Christopher and held me tighter than he had. I wasn’t getting away again. Prince Christopher shot Prince Riley a curious look but left anyways. Riley waited for Christopher to completely disappear before he spoke.

“What kind of Princess are you?” He eyed me curiously.

“The one that wants to be as far away from you as I can.” I spat with another yank to try to get my arm free.

“Ouch. I have never had a lady say that to me before. You’re different than most girls. I like you.” He smirked. Oh great, now he was into me.

“Can I go please?” I sighed.

“Take off your mask. Then you can.” He was very determined to find out who I was. I rolled my eyes.

“Then you might want to sit because we are going to be here for a while.” I didn’t care if he was a Prince anymore. I was busted anyways, so might as well go full out, and if I’m lucky, I just might still be alive tomorrow.

“Fine by me. I have all night.” He smirked again.


It had been an hour. We were still outside, sitting on a bench. I still had on my mask and Riley still had my arm.

“Ok, I know I said I had all night but I wasn’t being literal. I need you to take the mask off. Now.” He demanded.

“I don’t think so.” I turned my head away from him.

“I didn’t want to have to result to this, but you left me no choice.”

I was about to ask what he meant but I wasn’t fast enough. The first word didn’t even escape my lips and Riley had grabbed my mask and tore it off. My mouth dropped and Riley’s grip on me went limp. My hands went to cover my face but I was too late. Even in those two little seconds Riley had seen all he needed.

“I’ve seen you before. Where?” He interrogated.

I avoided his question, and still hiding my face, I stood up. So did he. He grabbed my wrists and pulled them from my face. He studied it before I saw the realization in his eyes. I was dead meat.

“You’re the maid I ran into a few weeks ago.” He whispered but he was loud enough that I could hear.

“Ding ding. We have a winner. Let’s go to the castle and get this whole eviction thing over with.” I turned away from him, tears in my eyes threatening to spill.

“I never said I was going to do that.”

I stopped, confused. “What do you mean?” Why wouldn’t you?”

“How dare you insult me! I’m no snitch!” he laughed. He was so confusing. I expected him to be furious.

“But don’t get the idea that you’re off the hook all the way.’

I gulped and he grinned devilishly.

“There is another ball next week. You will accompany me as my date. Be on time. And come alone, don’t tell a soul. And don’t think about standing me up because you will regret it.”

“Ok well there are a few flaws in your “plan”. First of all, I don’t have a dress and I have no way of getting one. Secondly, how am I supposed to get there? And third, it’s not a masquerade ball, everyone will see my face.” I stated.

“Number one, I will pick one and have it delivered. Number two, I will have my limo there at 10. Be outside and ready so we can leave quickly and no one will even know. And finally, no one you know will be there. We will just say you’re from, how do I put it, Far far away.” He laughed at the last part.

“Fine. I’ll be there.” I agreed .

“Perfect. I will see you then.” He grinned and began to walk off.

“Where are you going?”

“Back inside of course. And If I was you I would be rushing home, the ball is half way over and I would hate to be caught missing at the castle.”

He left me hanging with his words as he slipped around a corner. I put my hands over my face and fell to the ground. What did I just get myself into?


Hi!!! I know this seems a little too earlier to be posting arleady but I had typed the ch out already and couldn't resist ^_^

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