Chapter 12: Stranger Danger

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I changed the cover! Sorry, if you liked the old one. Personally I felt like it was a bit dull and plain, so I changed it. Hopefully most of you like the change, and dress is on the side, as usual.

I woke up with strong arms around me. I opened my eyes to find me in Riley’s bed. I still had on my dress from last night and I was in the same position I had fallen asleep in. If anyone found out I had slept in the same bad as him I would be banished from the kingdom for sure. I struggled to wiggle free of his hold on me. I was almost free when I accidently fell off the side of the bed and landed on the floor, face first. I rolled over and blew a piece of hair out of my eyes. I heard the bed move and then Riley’s voice.

“What are you doing down there?” He held out a hand and helped lift me up. He didn’t seem bothered at all that we had slept in the same bed.

“What time is it?” He yawned and stretched at the same time.


“Crap! I have a meeting at 10:15” He threw off the covers and ran to the bathroom. I heard running water from the shower.

“I’ll just be going now.” I awkwardly went to the door to leave the room.

“Wait, there’s a masquerade ball tonight. Be my date?”

“Of course.” I smiled.

“I’ll have a dress for you on your bed.”

“Sounds good.”

We kissed and then I left to go back to my room to get ready for my own job.


Work went fast for me. All I had to do was dust the library.

I walked into my room and sure enough there was a black and white dress I had never seen before on my bed. There was a pair of black gloves that went up to my elbows, and a white mask next to it.

I was ready at 8 and we left.


We met up with the gang in our corner and chatted the night away. I only left Riley’s side once, and that was to get a drink. When I came back he was missing.

“Where did Riley go?”

“He didn’t say.” Ralph answered.

I searched the halls first, and there he was leaning against the wall at the end of the corridor.

“There you are.” I bumped into him on purpose and laughed.

“And there are you are.” His voice was different. Was this Riley? He was wearing the same clothes, had the same hair, same eyes, even the same mask.

“Umm, I’m sorry, I think I have mistaken you for someone else.” I turned to leave when a hand grabbed onto my wrist.

“You might not have found who you were looking for, but I have found the one I was looking for.”

“You’ve been looking for me? Who are you?”

He dragged me away from the party and to the other side of the castle. He opened a door and threw me onto the floor.

“Who I am isn’t important. But you- you are.” He walked over to me and lifted my chin up.

“I think you have the wrong girl.” I turned away. He grabbed my cheeks and forced me to look at him. He removed my mask.

“I’ve got the right girl.”

A phone rang and he let me go to answer it.

“Yes. Yes. That’s right. Ok. Bye.” He hung up.

“It seems I have to go.” He walked over to a desk and poured something into a glass. Then he came back and handed it to me.


“What is it?”


I eyed him suspiciously and turned my head away. He grabbed my chin and yanked it up. His fingers dug into my cheeks, he kept squeezing tighter and tighter until my mouth slightly opened. He jumped on the opportunity and poured the drink in. It filled my mouth and I spit it out as fast as I could. However, I was not fast enough and some had already gone down my throat.

Since I had spit most of the drink back in his face he had released me. I now was on my knees coughing.

He was right, it was water, but it had a slightly different taste.

“Sweet dreams Kaitlynn, until next time.” He went to the door.

“W-wait, how…how do you know my name?” I mumbled. I became drowsy and the next thing I know I was out cold.


“Kaitlynn!” I heard my name being called but I couldn’t see who it was.

“Kaitlynn!” I heard it again.

“Hmm?” I opened my eyes to see the man.

“What did you do to me?!” I screamed and ran to other side of the room.

“What are you talking about?” He stood up and tried to come near me.

“Stay away from me!”

“What? Kaitlynn, its Riley.”

‘Like I will believe that lie!” I moved even farther back.

He took of his mask and let me see his face. It was him. I breathed a sigh of relief and ran to him.

“What was that about?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

‘I don’t know…I think I had a bad dream.” I rubbed the back of my head.

‘Come on, let’s go home.”

I nodded and we walked to the limo.

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