Chapter 22 (Part 2) : Loving on a Lie

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Hey everyone! It was extremely hard to squeeze this chapter into my schedule so I am sitting on my bed stuffing my face with some good old fashioned McDonalds fries as I try to multi-task between eating and writing.

My main inspiration for this chapter was not only your encouraging words, but also the passing of my other cousin who was in the hospital. She was in her twenties and had a disease that impares learning and development. She loved princesses, all of them, so I dedicate this chapter to her. Many of the descriptions in this chapter are what I felt when I found out about the other death in the family. As for right now, I am doing better knowing she is no longer suffering and my whole family is thankful for the time she had spent with us. I hope you all enjoy this Part 2 of the 3 Part chapter and I hope to hear from you all soon regarding opinions and comments. Thanks everyone and Happy Easter!


The tears dripped from my eyes like a never ending rain. The water droplets descended from the sky, spiraling down, cutting through the thick suffocating atmosphere. They collided against the tile floor, exploding on impact.

My nonsharpened nails burrowed into my skin, trying to hollow out my insides. I desperately clung to my knees, clutching them tightly against my chest, afraid to lose something else.

I gasped for air but got a lungful of icy air. My chest uncontrollably contracted as it mimicked the feeling of dry heaving.

I cried until my heart lay a puddle at my feet. I cried until I ran out of tears and then cried some more.


I was on my side in fetal position. My arms wrapped around my choking lungs. The tears continued to seep from my eyes. The room had grown small and confined. It was cold, freezing cold.


"Angela, for the thousandth time, yes there will be pink tulips instead of red carnations." A muffled voice spoke.


"I will see to it personally that the flourist recieves the memo."


I was sitting up, my back pressed against the door. My head was tilted back, my wet hair wedged between my skin and the wood. I blankly stared at the ceiling, letting their conversation consume me. Water welled up in the corners of my eyes and I let them overflow. The first tear was slow, marking the path as it swerved down my cheek.

I could hear their lips smacking from the other side of the wall. An imagine of their bodies interwining filled my gut with disgust.

"Angela, it is getting late. Maybe it would be better if you departed soon."

"Maybe..." Angela paused as she considered Riley's offer.

"Fine, but I plan to come back tomorrow so we can discuss other important matters."

"Sounds good." He happily agreed.

There was a moments pause between their words. I hated knowing just a few feet away they were standing making mouth to mouth contact.

"Love you." Angela announced.

"Love you too."

More silence followed as a door opened and softy shut. Heavy footsteps pounded closer and closer to my ears. The lock on the door clicked as the bolt slid out of the knotch in the wall. I jumped up before my support could be taken away from me too.

The door swung open to finally look my heartache in the eye.

"Before you do or say anything, I have some things I want to tell you." He confessed. But his confession was far to late for me to oblige and listen.

"I don't want to know. I don't care to know. It's your life and I am longer apart of it so I need no explanations."

I stepped forwards as he equally took a step back onto the threshold to block my way.

"Kaitlynn, please." He begged. "Listen to me."

"No! You listen to me! I don't want to know! I don't care anymore! Why can't you just let me be?"

"Because I love you!" He shouted.

"Oh, just like how you love her." I yelled back. His facial expressions froze at my bold accusation.

"If you really loved me, you would leave me alone." I walked forward, disregarding his body. Our shoulders bumped as I stormed past, leaving him stunned and alone, similar to the way he had left me.


I hit the switch as the light flickered and dimmed. I sat on the floor as I reached under my bed.My fingers roamed the emptiness searching for the familar leather.Instead, one found a sharp prick. I immediately retreated in both shock and fear of the unknown. Catiously I extended my hand back under until I found the object that had wounded me. It was thin and fragile in my hand. As the object came into the light, my heart stopped. It was a rose, the same rose Riley had given me to ask me to go to ball with him. It had already begun to welt, the bud limply handing from the stem. The petals were black and crinkled. I gently carressed one and silently watched as a petal floated to the ground. Much like our love, it was broken, useless, and more importantly, both were dead. I effortlessly threw it behind my back, not noticing it hit the brim and rebound onto the floor. I continued my search as I plunged my hand back into the darkness, hoping to fin no more surprises. This time I was successful and my fingers curled and latched onto the handle as I pulled it out and threw it onto the bed.

I ran around the room like a mad woman as I picked up objects and flung them into the suitcase. Once I was sure I had packed all my personal belongings, I crammed them all into the tiny box as I zipped it up, not regretting a thing.  


This chapter is pretty short, so I apologize for the inconvenience. In the Part 3, many questions are answered, leaving Kaitlynn to question everything she thought she knew about the one she loved the most.

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