Chapter 20: Not Who He Said She Was

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Heeyyyyyyyy!! Im Back!!

Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for a while but I had some doubt going on about how good my books were and I thought they just werent good so I stopped updating and when I got out of the funk my laptop broke so I had to save up some money for a new one and here it is and all is well! 

Thanks to those of you who voted, there were more than I had expected! The votes were a real confidence booster for sure!

In this ch we find out about two different sides of Riley that haven't been seen much. 

Enjoy! Vote!

Comment! I love to know what you guys think is going to happen to next!

Happy Reading!!! :)

“And they lived happily ever after. The end.” I read the words off the page as I closed the back cover of the book.

Andrew was snuggled cozily in his bed curled up into a little snoring ball. Careful not to wake him I brushed the hair covering his forehead away and planted a light kiss.

“Ready to go?” Riley asked from where he was standing by the door.

“Ya.” I got out of the bed and finished tucking Andrew in.

I hit the light switch on the way out and slowly closed the door so it wouldn’t make a clamor.

“Now, how about me and you go back to my room and get a little shut eye.” Riley suggested.

“Don’t you think it would be better if I was to return to my own living quarters?”

“I haven’t seen you in at least a week, you’re sleeping in my room whether you like it or not.” He joked but something in the way he said it made me think he wasn’t kidding.


I woke up around 12. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw Riley’s gorgeous face in front of mine. I layed there admiring his features, from his sleek black hair to his perfect lips. All of the sudden his eyes flew up and he was staring at me back.

“Watching a guy sleep, is it just me or is that a little creepy?” he laughed.

 “Shut up.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Anyways” He leaned in and kissed me. “Good morning princess.” He smiled at me.


He sat up in bed and the covers fell down. He was shirtless and I bit my lip to hide a smile as I stared at his abs. He showed off his muscular build by stretching and flexing his muscles.

“See something you like?” he teased as I blushed and turned away.

He removed the covers and stepped out of bed.

 “Woah!” He strutted right in front of me without any clothes on. My whole face turned bright red.

“I don’t recall going that far last night…” I trailed off.

“We didn’t. Trust me, you would’ve remembered it.” He winked at me

He disappeared into the bathroom and I heard the soft sound of running water. Then he came around to my side of the bed and tried to pick me up.

“What are you doing?!?!” I asked.

“Hey, no offense, but you need a shower too.”

“We both know that neither of us is going to actually bathe.”

He flashed me one of his famous devilish smirks.

“Just go, you’re wasting water!” I scrambled for a good excuse.

“We could save water if we take one together instead of two apart.”

Wow, he was good. With nothing else to say, I didn’t object as Riley got me out of bed. We pushed our pile of clothes from the night before out of the way so we could shut the door.

As he adjusted the water I went to the mirror and stared at my reflection. My cuts and bruises had healed like magic and I looked almost normal again. Riley came up from behind and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him.

“I missed you.” He mumbled into my neck.

He spun me around to face him before kissing me. He undressed me quickly and then we stepped into the shower. As I had predicted, we were doing the exact opposite of getting clean.

“Riley!” Someone called from outside the bathroom.

Not again….

“You must hurry sir! Angela is here to see you!”

Right on cue a girl voice joined in.

“Riley, my love! I missed you so much!”

My lips froze, my body tensed, and my heart stopped in the middle of a beat. I broke our kiss and shoved myself away from Riley with tears building up in my eyes.

I tried to speak normally but it only came out in a whisper.

“You promised….”

Yup...that just happened....

I'm going to update next week probably so you won't have to flip out for months wondering what happens next (I hate when writers do that)

I would love to hear comments about who you think Angela is and how Kaitlynn will react, and more importantly how Riley is going to get out of this one.

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