Chapter 19 (Part 1): No Place Like Home

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 I'm extremely sorry for waiting so very long to post this and I know it is way overdue. 

I have been working hard and relentlessly to improve my writing and since this is the first ch I have written in a while I guess we will both find out if my writing has changed for the better.

This ch is divided into two parts mainly because it is very lengthy. I have the second part already completed and it will be posted before the end of this weekend,I pinky promise :) so you can keep an eye out for it.

This ch is dedicated to everyone because without all of you I would never have begun writing :)

I have a feeling alot of you will like this ch ;)

Enjoy :) :) :) :)

I was on my back, sprawled out on the concrete. My hair was fanned out on the ground with tiny bits of gravel, dirt, and leaves, intertwined with the strands. Tiny rocks dug into my exposed skin and were leaving molds of their selves engraved into me. My leg was propped on Gloria’s lap as she tried to sew me back together again like Frankenstein.

I had my eyes closed trying hard to melt myself into the ground with hopes of it becoming more comfortable. I evened out my breath in hopes of misleading Riley to believe I was in deep slumber. I was seething with rage and brokenhearted at the same exact time. I didn't understand how it was possible to be both at the same time, but it was happening to me. Ever since I heard the name Angela, my heart had turned to stone and it was a heavy burden for me to bear all this time. A short thirty minutes ago when Riley had blown the situation off, I broke. The invisible strings supporting my heart from falling had been plucked away, one by one. My heart crashed to my feet and shattered on impact. Unlike my leg, no amount of needles and thread could fix any fractured heart.

It took every ounce of will power I had to keep the tears at bay. The very minute the dam busted and it would be over. The water would flood my eyes and blow my cover.

 I tried to mask my feelings. I wanted to shove all my feelings into a tightly locked chest, bury the chest in the middle of the earth, and make all the keys vanish into thin air. If only it was that easy…

Part of me wished I was a sixteen again. I wanted to be a normal teenager again and wanted to handle this the teenage way. I would love nothing more than to curl up in a snuggie with a bucket of ice cream while watching chic flicks at three in the morning. Or even jam out to Taylor Swift while driving my car to the mall. Even being huddled into a ball in a corner all alone while I cried my heart out would be better than this. Every one of those things is a way of healing which I can’t do. I have to force it down and hold it all in until I can get away which could be another hour, or worse, even longer.

I was near my snapping point and was struggling to fight my emotions back. I must have blinked slightly because I heard Riley speak up.


I stopped breathing all together, hoping he wouldn’t notice my sudden tense.

“Kaitlynn? Gloria is almost finished.”

Yup, I was busted. I purposely fluttered my eyes open to give the impression I was just now waking. I faked a yawn before attempting to sit up. Riley wouldn’t even let me try all on my own. As soon as my back was off the concrete, he had his hand on my lower back pushing me up by himself. Even once I was sitting straight up he kept his hand there for unnecessary support.

I hid my eyes from Riley, and stared straight at Gloria’s nimble fingers work their magic. There was a thin line cutting horizontally downwards, leading to what was the remaining open gash. I could see the crossing thin black lines that were the thread binding my leg together.

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