Chapter 14: Not the Time for Jokes

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Wow, 710 reads and 65 votes. I am absolutely speechless you guys. ^_^ Thank you so much! I'm so glad you all are enjoying this book and if there is anything ever wrong please feel free to let me know. I would also like to thank everyone for the comments. I love reading those alot and if some of you could start leaving some more little comments that would be amazing. I love hearing feedback, even negative ones, because it helps me to improve.

A little shoutout to our newest fan. Thank you for the comments and votes <3

I'm still not 100% happy with the title of this ch but I was in a hurry to post and just typed that. By now I'm sure you all are itching to start reading so I won't waste your time anymore. Enjoy ch 14.

“Where to start…” Riley ran his fingers through his hair as he thought. He didn’t dare to look Michelle in the eyes, but he kept exchanging glances with me every still often. I was still on the floor, too scared to even attempt to get up.

“How about the beginning?” Michelle sarcastically bit. The look she was giving Riley was one I had never seen before. It’s like she was killing him in her head, over and over. If only she was Medusa, Riley would’ve been stone the moment he put his hands in the air.

Riley just slightly raised his eyebrows as if to say “Right…I knew that.”

Michelle was furious. Face red, eyes glowing, and I swear if you stared long and deep enough, you could see the flames burning inside of them. She stood there, hands on her hips, one foot tapping away like a motor. You would think that the way she acting, she was our mother and just found out we had crashed her brand new car.

Our plan consisted of 3 steps.

Step one: keep her from wringing our necks.

Step two: calm her down.

Step three: get her on our side and make sure she doesn’t tell anyone.

Seemed simple enough, right? Haha, you don’t know who we are dealing with here. I was her best friend and kept the biggest secret a best friend could have. I totally broke the girl friend code on this one, and I would pay dearly. Riley, had broken the sibling code and didn’t tell his sister he was dating just any girl. We both were to blame for this one, and we would both have to take the fall. Riley was stepping up a little. Of course, he wanted to start, but I would have my chance to talk, Michelle would make sure of that. By the end of tonight, it would be a miracle if I’m still alive.

 “It happened the day of the first Masquerade ball. I asked her to dance, she said yes, and from that point on she just couldn’t resist my charm and good looks.” Riley gave a stupid smile at the end and it looked like Michelle wanted nothing more than to slap it right off his face. Seriously Riley? You can’t joke at a time like this!

I stepped up. “Maybe it would be better if I do the talking.” When she turned to me her cold stare sent chills down my back. Goosebumps ran up my arms and down my legs. Never mind, Riley can talk again.

“I didn’t know he was your brother. I swear, I would never do this to you.”

‘Really, is that so? Because you seem calm right now, like you know. If you didn’t know, you would be just as angry as me.” I couldn’t get over how her eyes were staring right through me and into my very soul. Her words were bitter and felt like ice.

“I know now. I didn’t know before. I was only informed last night.” I was completely honest, but it wasn’t like I had a choice, like I said, those eyes…

She sighed.

“Well, I guess I can’t be that mad, if you just found out yourself.” She relaxed and I felt the boulder lift. I smiled in relief and Riley smiled too.

“But, you on the other hand, you knew. And you didn’t tell her or me.” She turned to Riley and hissed.

Oh crap!

Riley’s smiled disappeared. There was no way I could fend for him, he was flying solo now.

As Michelle was yelling at him Andrew pulled on my glove. I had forgotten he was still sitting beside me.

“Are you and my brother dating?” His eyes seemed full of sadness and I had no idea why.

‘Ummm... I guess so.” That was a good question. Were we really dating? We hadn’t made it official yet but considering we were making out not long ago, I think that would classify as being a couple.

“Oh.” His gaze dropped and his eyes fell onto the floor. He looked like he was about to cry.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s just…I…” his words where mumbled. “You’re his princess now, and I thought you were going to be mine.”

I swear my heart just broke into a million tiny pieces hearing this come from him.

“Oh Andrew.” I wrapped my arms around him and laid my chin on top of his head.

“I will always be here for you Andrew.”

“You will?”  His voice perked up.

“I promise.”

“Good.” He hugged me back as tight as he could.

My attention was turned back onto the sibling rivalry when it was strangely quiet.

I had no idea what Riley had said but he had done it. He had calmed Michelle down at last. It was over, and everything would be ok now.

Michelle and Andrew were finally going back to their rooms.

“You better not hurt Kaitlynn, because when you do, I’ll be there. You just watch your back!” Andrew toughed talked to Riley.

“Ok, tiger.” Riley said as he ruffled Andrew’s hair. Andrew made a pouty face while he tried to smooth it back down.

“Goodnight Kaitlynn.” Andrew smiled at me before running down the hall.

“Hey, no running Andrew!” Michelle called after him but he just kept on going. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

‘I better go before he…well you know.” She lifted up the ends of her dress, trying to catch up to the little boy.

“And then there were two.” Riley smirked as he shut the door.

‘What should we do?” His smirk got even bigger as he circled his arms around me and brought me closer to him.

“I don’t know.” I bit down on my lip anxiously.

“Good thing I do.” His voice was muffled for he said it fast. It was barely audible and I had little time to comprehend what he had said before his lips smashed against mine.

I groaned and slightly pushed him away.

“Could we do something else?” I asked.

He was very confused but went along with it. “Like what?”

“Can we go somewhere?”

Looks like everything turned out ok, for now anyways. Riley and Kaitlynn's secret has now expanded from between just them to a square of them plus Michelle and Andrew. Hopefully everyone keeps their lips sealed.

Prince Andrew is probably the cutest little boy ever! He just might be my favorite character. Who is your favorite character? I'm just a little curious, so please comment if it's not too much trouble.

Thanks again! :)

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