Chapter 7

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Tyler woke up the next morning to Josh's arm wrapped around him. Panic seized him for a moment, before he realized where he was. Last nights events flooded into his mind slowly, and he tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

Tyler shuffled out from under Josh's arm, trying not to wake him. He stood up and paced his cell for awhile. He was terrified that the blurry would come back. What would happen? What if Josh was there? Would it hurt Melanie, or would it hurt him? All of these questions were racing through his mind so fast his head started to ache.

One of the guards came by. He stopped at Tyler's cell.

"You're with the psychiatrist today. Someone will come and get you." He gave Tyler a disgusted look and kept walking. He was nervous. He'd hated all of his psychiatrists that he'd visited before all of this happened. They all seemed so empty, like they didn't care how screwed up Tyler was. They just wanted the money. Everyone just wanted the money.

His thoughts were interrupted by Josh, stretching and sitting up on the bed.

"Hey Ty," He said as he rubbed his eyes. His pink hair was pointing in every direction, and his eyes were squinted, still half asleep. Tyler liked him best this way.

"Hey. They said I have a psychiatrist appointment later today." Josh looked concerned.

"Do you want me to come?" Tyler shifted his gaze from Josh to the ground. There wasn't really a point of Josh coming. Tyler could see him, and he guessed that it might help him not be as nervous, but it didn't change the fact that Tyler had problems. Problems he'd never be able to face, and he knew that. That was part of the reason that he hated these appointments. He knew things were wrong. But so much of him didn't want to be fixed.

"I guess. Just stay out of the way okay?" Josh nodded and smiled. He stood up and took Tyler's hands in his.

"It'll be okay. Right, Ty?" Josh's eyes were warm as they looked into Tyler's.

"Okay." Tyler smiled at him. Josh pulled him in for a kiss. Tyler could never get over this feeling. This feeling of Josh pressed up against him, the feeling of the person he loved so close to him. He couldn't get over the feeling of Josh in general.

Josh gently pushed Tyler back to the wall of the cell, the cold cement pressing against his spine. Tyler's hands travelled down Josh's body, coming to rest underneath his black shirt. Josh's hand gripped Tyler's hair, as their kiss deepened. Just as Josh started to work his way down Tyler's neck, they heard a small cough from the cell across from them.

"You guys do know I can see and hear you, right?" Melanie scoffed at them and flipped over to her other side. Tyler giggled and pressed one last kiss to Josh's lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Seriously! You two are disgusting!" They laughed again at Melanie's annoyance. It was nice to have a bit of relief from the darkness of the prison.

Later, a guard came by and told Tyler it was time to go. He unlocked the door and put handcuffs on Tyler's wrists. They hurt. He was lead down the hallway, to a part of the prison he hadn't been before. It looked nicer than the rest. He was put in a room quite a bit larger than his cell, with two chairs with a desk in between and a viewing window with one way glass. He sat down and stared at his reflection. The guard didn't take the cuffs off, and his wrists were starting to ache. The door opened. A woman with long blue hair stepped in, with a white lab coat and everything.

"Hi, Tyler. I'm Ashley. How are you?" She sat down across from him with a notepad. He glanced at her. She stared him down.

"Well, Ashley, I'm in prison. I've had days that were a hell of a lot better than this." She laughed. Tyler didn't find it funny. She saw his expression and stopped. She flipped to a page in the binder she had brought with her.

"So, Tyler, we need to talk. About what you did." Tyler shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Josh was leaning up against the viewing glass, looking as uncomfortable as he was.

"I didn't kill him, Ashley." She sighed.

"Tyler, there is evidence that you did. You were convicted. We know you did it. I just need to figure out why." He turned his head sharply to her.

"Did you hear what I said?" He hissed, "I didn't kill Josh. It was someone else. Not me." Ashley leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table.

"Who was it then?" Damn. Now he had to talk about the blurries. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"It was the worst of them."

"The worst of who?"

"The worst of the blurries." Tyler glanced at Josh. He looked concerned. Tyler had never gone into detail about the blurries with Josh. Josh had never asked. Ashley wrote something down in her notepad.

"What are the blurries, Tyler?" He let out an exasperated sigh.

"They're the voices, I guess you could say. But you already figured that out, didn't you?" His voice was cold. He hated this woman. She didn't care about him at all. No one ever did. Except Josh. Josh was the only one who had ever cared, regardless of the psychopath everyone thought he was.

"Well, Tyler, we have records of your therapist appointments. Now, were you on any medications when the killing took place?" He was done with this woman. He wanted out of here.

"All of them. Now, let's cut the crap and get to what you really want to know." He rested his chin on his knuckles and smiled maliciously. Ashley looked afraid. Good.

"I'm screwed up. We all know that, don't we? I hear voices. Except, Ashley, I don't just hear them. I see them. Constantly, all around me. And you know what they tell me, Ashley? They tell me to hurt people. Of course, I don't want to. So they did it for me. I wasn't the one who killed Josh. It was the worst one of all. He took over. He made me watch as he killed my best friend and the only person I had ever loved. Do you think I wanted that to happen? My best friend, my boyfriend, killed." By now, Ashley was terrified. And Tyler enjoyed the look of fear in her eyes.

"I didn't go to his funeral. They wouldn't let me. His family is convinced that I was the one who did it. But Ashley, you know it wasn't me, right?" He stood up, the handcuffs discarded on the floor. Ashley backed up, her radio in hand ready to make a panic call. Tyler smacked the radio away from her, and it skidded across the floor.

"It was him. I don't even have a name for him. But he killed my best friend. And you know what, Ashley?" He had her up against the wall, with his hand around her neck. The sheer terror in her eyes was almost sweet.

"Maybe I'll turn out just like him."

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