Chapter 1

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His eyes burned.

Killed someone, they said, killed his own best friend. Insane.

They pushed him along the long corridor. It smelt like hopelessness. Hopelessness with a hint of death. It was a dark feeling that overtook him the second they entered. It seemed to reach every square inch of his body, black hands wrapping around his heart and his mind.

They turned the corner. Stares from the other inmates. Metal bars were a blur. The only thing in focus was a guy in the cell next to the one he knew was his. A black beanie covered his pink hair. A black shirt. Lots of tattoos.

I didn't think they let you wear that in prison, he thought to himself. His face came into focus. He knew him. He had spent countless hours, days, nights, with him, laughing and playing music and soaking in a friendship that both knew would last a lifetime. He also knew the feeling of his blood under his hands, desperately trying to cover the wound that a part of him was saying that he caused. He had seen the light fade from him, once bright eyes now a dull stare.

"Josh! Josh, I'm sorry! I didn't do it! It wasn't me! Josh! Please. Please Josh! Just look at me!" He wrestled free of the guards grip. He lunged at the bars, desperately hoping that Josh could forgive him, that Josh would look at him and know that it wasn't his fault, that something else had done it.

But the second his hands touched the cold metal bars, Josh was gone. No evidence that he had ever been there at all. He let go. The guards tackled him. One grabbed him by the throat.

"Don't try that again son, or you'll get a hell of a lot worse." He pushed him to the ground. He knelt there, staring at the concrete floor, and thought about how he could kill this man. He could kill him. It wouldn't be hard. He was quick. Quicker than them. He could just grab the gun from its holster. One round for each guard. He could do it. He could do it right now.

They hauled him up by his arms, and pushed him into the cell. The door slammed shut, and he was alone. All he could think about was Josh. Josh, dead on the couch that they had sat on and played video games and laughed and talked for hours. And now all of that was gone. Josh was dead. Josh was dead. Josh was dead.

Josh was dead.

Two different guards walked by.

"What's he in for?" One asked. The guards at this prison were nosy, he had decided, as they always wanted to know what everyone had done. They always judged him. Like they knew who he was. The other looked at his sheet.

"Joseph. Tyler Joseph. He's in for murder. Says here he's probably insane." They kept walking.

Tyler stared across the hallway. Josh sat in the other cell, staring at him.

"Am I insane, Josh?" Josh said nothing. Tyler blinked, and he was gone.


He was gone.

a/n: so I've learned that a good way to check if your writing is good is to write it and then check back in like a week and see if it destroys you like any other fanfiction would oOPS

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