Chapter 16

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Tyler now hated this thing inside his head. It had been great for the first bit, power and adrenaline constantly coursing through his veins, making him feel invincible. But now that Josh had finally kissed him and this thing had ruined it, he hated it. Hated it more than anything.

As Josh was flung against the opposite wall, Tyler gripped his head in his hands. His skull felt like it was being sawed in half, and he couldn't bring himself to look at Josh. He heard him get up and run away, hoping desperately that the creature would let him go and allow him to escape. It seemed to preoccupied with ripping Tyler's sub conscious apart to worry about Josh.

It suddenly manifested itself in front of Tyler, terrifying in its physical form. It seemed bigger than last time he'd seen it in front of him, probably feeding off the fear and uncertainty in him. Smoke tendrils curled up from around it's feet, snaking around Tyler's legs. It moved closer to him, circling him with a laugh. Tyler's head was still being split in half.

"Tyler Joseph," it said, low and disturbingly, "You thought you were winning. You thought that powers would come with no strings, and that you'd just be able to be invincible and make out with your stupid little boyfriend all the time. Well, honey, with powers comes me." It was in front of him now, and had dialed in the pain.

"You'll never get rid of me," it taunted, "You're stuck with me forever. Doesn't that suck, Tyler? I bet it feels horrific. Stuck with the thing that brought you to kill your best friend. He really isn't real, you know that. As soon as I'm gone, so is he." Tyler hadn't thought about that yet. To kill this creature, he'd be killing Josh too. He didn't know if he could do that again. The first time was hard enough.

"Shut up about Josh," He said through gritted teeth, "Or I swear to God I'll make your life hell." It let out another empty, dark, humourous laugh. One of it's long, glittering fingers came up under Tyler's chin and tilted his face up to look at what Tyler assumed were it's eyes.

"Funny," It said, "That's my job."


Josh sat in the cafe, hands nervously tugging at his hair. He couldn't hide here forever. Tyler or possessed Tyler would come looking, and he'd either be killed or have to kill them. He couldn't bear the thought of even hurting Tyler, much less kill him. Even if he was possessed by some sort of demon. Although, it might not be that hard. Tyler had done it to him.

He shook that thought out of his mind. Tyler had been destroyed by his murder. His family hated him, he hated himself. Josh would only be worse. And what would happen to him? Tyler's mind had created him. Surely, if Tyler died, he would too. That didn't sound like the worst idea; he'd be happy to die next to his best friend.

His thoughts were interrupted by a bang louder than anything he'd heard before. The windows in the cafe shattered, and he found himself ducking under the table to avoid being impaled by glass. He pulled himself out from underneath it, trying not to cut himself on the thick layer of glass that was now coating the floor. Wind was picking up and blowing his hair away from his face.

Above the prison was a thick black cloud, growing in size and spreading quickly. He knew exactly what this meant. He rushed outside. Car alarms were blaring, the people still inside the cars oblivious to everything that was happening. He ran down the middle of the street, leafs blowing around in small tornadoes all around him. He needed somewhere to take shelter.

He remembered his high school, which was just down the road. They'd have something. He sprinted as fast as he could, the ominous storm cloud behind him motivating his legs to move just that much faster. He reached the front door of the school, yanking it open and running inside.

Classes had ended before Tyler's curse hit, and it was just the office staff and a few teachers left in the building. He remembered his old science classroom, the one that was in the middle of the school with no windows or anything. He'd hated that classroom, mostly because there was no windows for him to stare out and waste time, but now it seemed like a blessing.

Running through the empty school was strange. He'd ran down these hallways to get to class on time. Those worries seemed ridiculous compared to what he was facing now. He found the classroom, B122, and hurried inside.He locked the door and shoved all of the massive tables and everything else he could find against the doors on either side of the room. He sank down against the back wall, after finding things that could be used as weapons.

How had his life come to this? He just couldn't understand how he'd gone from an average high school student with a not very average friend to a twenty year old hiding from his psychotic possessed boyfriend. He'd been in this very classroom, wondering about whether or not he was going to go to that party on Friday night or stay with Tyler. That all seemed so easy.

Suddenly it seemed as if the whole building had been hit with an earthquake. The walls and ceiling shook violently, the lights flickering on and off. Howling winds could be heard even from his point in the middle of the school. A storm like this would destroy the town and all the people in it. Was it destroying Tyler to generate this storm?

Was it even Tyler generating it?

a/n: bit of a filler chapter with some drama. this fic isn't going to go on much longer i think, probably two-four chapters? i've had a great time writing this and i have another fic with three chapters written that i'll upload soon. please leave comments on what you think, i always appreciate feedback.

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