Chapter 8

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Ashley screamed for help. Tyler, with a sick feeling growing in the pit of his stomach, let go. He backed away from her, eyes wide at what he had just done. He was disgusted. Because that hadn't been him. Or it had been, but not entirely. It was the one who had killed Josh. That made sense, because Josh was nowhere to be seen.

Tyler sat down on the cold concrete floor, his head in his hands. Ashley ran as fast as she could to the door and was gone. Guards rushed in and surrounded him at every angle. He was surprised they got there that fast. Were they waiting for him to do something? Probably, based on what he had done in the cafeteria. He was hauled up by the arms, shoved into a straitjacket, and pushed unceremoniously down the hallways, other inmates staring and whispering to each other.

One of the guards said something about solitary. Tyler thrashed about, only causing their grips to tighten.

"Please," he screamed, "Not solitary! They'll come for me!" His screams elicited no response from these guards.

"Told you he was insane," laughed one of the guards to his friend. Tyler realized that he was one of the guards from his first day in prison. They reached what he assumed was his solitary cell. He was shoved inside the dark tomb-like room. Fortunately, someone came in and took his straitjacket off, before the door was slammed shut and locked.

No ounce of light shone through any sort of crack in the door or wall. The dark was all he could feel, all he could see. It felt like darkness was the air he was breathing. He felt around the room for the bed, only finding it when he smashed his knee on it. He laid down on the metal bed, now even more uncomfortable in the pitch black. He laid there for a very long time, staring at the ceiling he couldn't see and wondering how he got himself into such a mess. Tyler Joseph, the screwed up kids who heard voices and had one friend, who was now dead, yet very much alive.

He stopped thinking long enough to almost go to sleep when he heard something in his cell. He sat straight up, trying to figure out which direction the sound was coming from.

"Who's there? Who are you?" He whispered. Something sat next to him on the bed, and he scrambled away from it, his heart practically in his throat.

"Tyler, it's okay. it's me." Josh's voice was comforting. Tyler let out a sob, before feeling around for Josh in the dark and collapsing into his arms. His breath came out in ragged sobs.

"Josh, they're going to come for me. They'll come for me. What if they hurt me? I don't want to get hurt again." Tears streamed down his face, and they didn't stop until Tyler was convinced that he had cried all that he could. He stayed in Josh's arms, feeling safe for once. He sat up.

"Can you tell Melanie where I am? She deserves to know." Josh said he would and left. He came back ten minutes later, and returned to holding Tyler in his arms. They sat in silence for a long time.

"Will you stay here with me? I just want to feel safe."

"Of course, Tyler."

Tyler turned to face Josh, even though he couldn't see him. He felt around in the dark for his face, and held his cheeks in his hands.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Their lips met, and it felt like all of Tyler's senses were in overdrive. His hands tangled through Josh's hair, and Josh's hands ran up and down the sides of Tyler's jumpsuit.

Maybe solitary wasn't so bad after all.

a/n: okay so this chapter is very short and also very crappy because when I published it wattpad was going through maintenance and it didn't save like half of the chapter, and then I couldn't remember what I had originally written. SO hopefully this wasn't too bad and hopefully the next one is better, and really sorry if you read it before I fixed it and stuff. Thanks for reading!

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