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•Percy P.O.V•

The badger is walking around its den, little does it know that it was being looked at, by me. I stood out of the wind and moved around until I knew it was the perfect moments to pounce, but in the last second the wind suddenly changed from direction, the badger smelled me, and it ran, but I wasn't any normal wolf, that could easily be outrun, I was  one and a half times bigger then any other wolf, making it easy to catch up with the badger and biting it's paws, so that it couldn't run further, then I bit its neck, instantly killing it. Then I moved it and started eating off the poor creature. Then I ran a few miles running past  huts of humans and dears, I saw many animals while I was running, even faint silver glowing dear, I found s little cave and started sleeping in it, that was part of a mountain it was big enough to house a family of seve-, to house a big family, but a small enough entrance to make it hidden. From the right I hear a sound. I looked and saw a bear.
"I may be a big wolf, but a bear is huge, even for a wolf, and I probably am in his den, or his territory, so either I will have to defeat him or run, and I think I should run,mi ain't gonna risk it" I think while slowly walking backwards with my tail down. "If I take him down, I will be badly hurt and I won't survive long then." I think while running away, "I need to find my own territory, on my own, not just because I am the Prince of Wolves, I need to earn it, and find a purpose in life."

So, this chapter with this text is 321 words.

Percy Jackson The Wolf PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now