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~a few weeks later

•Percy P.O.V•

Mother walked to Me. "Percy?" She asked me. "What is it mother?" I then replied. "It is time" Percy stood up and followed me, to the far side of the forest. "You know what to do, Percy?" My mother asked me. "Yes, I'm not a pup anymore, I just have to go find Artemis, and her hunters, can't take that long, max a week, and then I will be with them. and I still don't get why I have to go! I then replied. "You may not be a pup anymore, but you where a few weeks ago. As for why you have to go will be explained in the hunt. Now go, it is for your own best will" she says, and with that she walks away, leaving me alone.

Percy Jackson The Wolf PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now