Chapter 3: Arrangements

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It was utter chaos. Cadets were marching left and right, some were running in order to catch their shuttle. I just stood there among the chaos gaping at all that was going on around me. I was trying to get a sense of what was happening. My home world, Vulcan, was in distress. Something had to be very wrong in order for the entire planet to reach out for help. While I never really lived there for long, my true parents, with whom I have kept in touch with, lived there. When I was three years old my parents sent me to Earth to seek out better living. They knew I would never make it on Vulcan. I was sent to a family who seemed nice at first, but under all that makeup and skin was something truly evil. I always wanted to go back to Vulcan. Maybe now was my chance...

My thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice behind me. "Cadet. I have a proposition for you."

I turned to see Commander Spock standing there with his hands behind his back. I detected a small smirk on the corner of his mouth, but it was quickly masked up by his unemotional form. "Yes, Sir?" I simply said.

"I can make a few arrangements for you to be assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise. It is the newest ship in the fleet, and as I have seen this is your first time going on a ship, I assumed the Enterprise would be an excellent start," Spock offered.

My eyes grew wide. Excitement was building up within me and I struggled to control it. A wide smile spread across my face and I let out a noise that was the equivalent to a steam pipe. Spock was startled by the sudden noise and lifted his eyebrows. I clasped my hand over my mouth, and looked up at him embarrassingly. I cleared my throat and removed my hand. "Um, y-yes Sir... that would be.. great," I said pathetically.

He gave me a nod and took out his Padd. He tapped it a few times, gave an annoyed look, then nodded slightly. He looked up at me. "Congratulations Cadet, you are assigned to the Enterprise." He turned on his heels and marched away. I just stood there gawking at him.

I was interrupted by someone pushing into me. "Sorry," he said. He had a slight southern drawl. He was dragging someone along beside him. I watched him drag the man up the stairs that led to a shuttle. I followed him as we were both going to the same shuttle.

"Kirk, James T... he is not cleared for duty aboard the Enterprise," the man checking the names stated.

"Medical code states the treatment and transport of a patient is to be determined at the discretion of his attending physician, which is me. So I'm taking Mr. Kirk aboard. Or would you like to explain to Captain Pike why the Enterprise warped into a crisis without on of it's senior medical officers?" The physician had an attitude towards the man. I raised my eyebrows.

"As you were," the man said.

"As you were.." the doctor retorted.


As the shuttle moved through space, the excitement grew once more within me. I stared out the window, watching the stars zoom past. Suddenly, I saw it. The space station. It was much larger than I had ever expected. Many ships were in their ports, but one stood out in particular. As the shuttle moved under the space station, a giant, beautiful ship appeared. The shuttle moved around the side of the ship and up to the top of it. I looked out my window in time to see the beautiful words 'NCC-1701 - U.S.S. Enterprise' sprawled out on the ship. This was it. I was here.

A Logical Feeling?  - A Spock (Star Trek) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now