Chapter 7: Emotionally Compromised

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Kirk and another man was led onto the bridge by StarFleet security guards. Spock had sent him away to another planet because he kept trying to give commands over Spock. Somehow Kirk and this... oddly wet... man had somehow beamed aboard the ship while at warp. Spock was talking to his father when he heard the familiar "whoosh" of the door. He sharply turned and marched over to where Kirk was.

He turned to the oddly wet man. "Who are you?" He demanded.

"I'm with him-"

"He's with me," Kirk interrupted.

"We are traveling at warp speed. How did you manage to beam aboard this ship?" Spock spat out.

"Well, you're the genius, you figure it out," Kirk taunted.

"As acting captain of this vessel, I order you to answer the question."

"Well, I'm not telling, 'Acting Captain'," Kirk retorted. I looked at Spock's face. His expression was, yet again, emotional-less, yet I could feel annoyance coming from him. Kirk smirked. "What, now, that doesn't frustrate you, does it? My lack of cooperation? That doesn't make you angry."

Spock turned to the wet man. "Are you a member of Starfleet?"

The man looked back and forth from Kirk to Spock. "Uh... yes. C-can I get a towel?" He asked with a dose of Scottish in his voice.

"Under penalty of court martial, I order you to explain to me how you were able to beam aboard this ship while moving at warp."

"Well you see-"

"Don't answer him," Kirk interrupted once more.

"You will answer me," Spock growled. I tensed up. I had never felt this much tension from a Vulcan.

The Scottish man looked back and forth. "I'd rather not take sides..."

"What is it with you, Spock? Hmm?" Kirk asked with a smirk. "You planet was just destroyed, your mother murdered, and... your not even upset."

Spock faced him with hateful eyes. "If you are presuming that these experiences in any way impede my ability to command this ship, you are mistaken."

"Yet, you were the one who said fear was necessary for command. I mean, did you see his ship? Did you see what he did?"

"Yes, of course I did."

"So are you afraid or aren't you?"

"I will not allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion."

"Then why don't you stop me."

"Step away from me, Mr. Ki-"

"What is it like not to feel anger? Or heartbreak? Or the need to stop at nothing to avenge the death of the woman who gave birth to you?"

"Back away from me," Spock warned.

"You feel nothing! It must not even compute for you! You never loved her!"

Suddenly Spock let out a chilling yell. He threw his fist across Kirk's jaw. He then grabbed Kirk and swung him around. He threw two more punches but Kirk blocked them. He found an opening and punched Kirk in the stomach. He let out another chilling yell and brought both of his fists down on top of Kirk. Kirk blocked him, but Spock quickly hit his arms away and threw both of his fists into Kirk's neck. Kirk flew back and grabbed his neck. Spock was not done. He marched forward and threw two more punches, too which Kirk blocked. Spock backhanded Kirk with all his might, and that caused Kirk to fly to the left and lean back on the control panel. Spock let out a grunt and started to choke Kirk.

I simply had enough. "Spock..," I started to say. When it seemed he didn't hear me, I softly cooed his name once more. Kirk's chokes went straight through me. "Spock," I said more firmly. Still nothing. I swiftly moved over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. This must have startled Spock, as he quickly brought his hand back, slapping me across the face.

He stared in shock at what he has just done. I covered my face and looked at my hand. Blood. I looked over at Spock who simply started to walk away, breathing hard. He stopped in front of Doctor McCoy. "Doctor... I am no longer... fit for duty. I hereby... relinquish my... command as I have been... emotionally compromised. Please note the time and date in the ship's log," he managed to say in between gasps for air. He gave me one last look, then limped off of the bridge. Leaving all of us in complete shock.

"I like this ship!" The Scottish man exclaimed. "You know, it's exciting!"

"Well," McCoy started, "Congratulations Jim. Now we got no captain, and no goddamn first officer to replace him."

A smirk spread across Kirk's face. "Yeah we do."

Kirk walked over to the captain's chair and sat down. McCoy looked at Mr. Sulu. "Him? You must be joking!"

Sulu nodded towards Kirk. "Pike made him first officer."

"Thanks for the support..." Kirk said.

I walked over to him. "I really hope you know what you are doing."

Kirk looked up at me. "So do I."

A Logical Feeling?  - A Spock (Star Trek) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now