Chapter 12: "Welcome back, Ambassador Spock," ??

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 We followed Spock, maneuvering through the ship while trying not to get caught. We were jogging down an open room when Spock came to a stop. In front of him was a small vessel, about the size of two shuttles. We looked around to make sure no one was around, then ran to the craft. I jogged up the ramp, practically tripping over my feet from exhaustion.

 We turned a corner and walked into what I could only assume was the main part of the ship. In the center of the room was a large cylinder glass with a massive orb of red matter in it.

 "I foresee a complication," Spock said, "The design of their ship is far more advanced than I have anticipated."

 Suddenly a female robotic voice sounded through the little ship. "Voice print and face recognition analysis enabled. Welcome back, Ambassador Spock."

 Welcome back? I just looked at Spock, who looked just as confused as I was.

 "Wow, that's weird," Kirk said while hurrying away.

 "Computer," Spock said, "What is your manufacturing origin?"

 "Stardate 2387. Commissioned by the Vulcan Science Academy," the voice answered.

 Spock looked at me with a confused look. He then sharply turned to where Kirk had gone. He found Kirk in the control room. Spock marched up behind him. "It appears that you have been keeping valuable information from me."

 Kirk ignored him. "You're gonna be able to fly this thing, right?"

 Spock stared at him. "Something tells me I already have."

 Kirk ignored him yet again. "Good luck," Kirk said while walking away.

 Spock looked at Kirk. "Jim. The statistical likelihood that our plan will succeed is less than 4.3%."

 Kirk smirked at him. "It'll work."

 Spock stepped towards him. "In the event that I do not return, please tell Cadet Lane-"

 "Spock! It'll work." Kirk said reassuringly.

 Tears formed in my eyes. Little did they know, I was listening the entire time. The fact that Spock cared for me was just... adorable. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the door frame. My thoughts were interrupted by Kirk grabbing my arm and leading me off the craft. We ran a good distance from the ship, and turned to watch it go. I could see Spock at the helm looking down at me. I gave him a thumbs up. He hesitantly looked at his thumb and slowly gave me one as well. I couldn't help but let out a giggle. The ship lifted from the ground, and flew to the back of the ship. I would have stayed and watched, but Kirk had grabbed my arm once more and dragged me away.

A Logical Feeling?  - A Spock (Star Trek) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now