Chapter 10: A Plan

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Spock and I walked onto the bridge just in time to hear Mr. Chekov. "Based on zhe Neraga's course from Vulcan, I have projected dat Nero will travel past Saturn. Like you said, we need to stay invisible to Nero or he'll destroy us. If Mr. Scott can get us to warp factor 4, and if we drop out of warp behind one of Saturn's moons, let's say... Titan, zhe magnetic distortion from zhe planet's vrings will make us invweseeble to Nero's sensors. From zere, as long as zhe drill is not vactuated, we can beam aboard zhe enemy ship."

Scotty walked up behind them. "Aye that might work!"

McCoy looked very doubtful. "Wait a minute, kid. How old are you?" He asked.

"Seweenteen, sir," Chekov said with a bright smile.

McCoy looked at Kirk. "Oh... oh good he's seventeen.."

Spock looked at me with a small smirk. I looked at him and winked. He stepped from the doorway and approached the group. "Doctor," he started. "Mr. Chekov is correct. I can confirm his telemetry. If Mr. Sulu is able to maneuver us into position, I can beam aboard the enemy ship, steal back the black hole device and, if possible, bring back Captain Pike."

Kirk shook his head. "I won't allow you to do that, Mr. Spock."

Spock tilted his head and smirked. "Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestry. Our cultural similarities will make it easier for me to access the ship's computer to locate the device," he said. He looked down and paused. "Also, my mother was human, which makes Earth the only home I have left."

I gulped down the lump in my throat at what Spock had said. He and I were practically the same, except I showed more emotion than him. Our home planet destroyed, our mothers dead, tormented as children on our race. Very much the same.

Kirk stepped forward. "Then I'm coming with you."

Spock looked thoughtful and looked down. "I would site Regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it."

Kirk smiled and let out a chuckle. "See? We are getting to know each other," he said. And with that he slapped Spock on the shoulder and walked off.


Kirk had suggested that I go with them, to which I hesitantly agreed. We all stepped onto the transporter pad and I looked forwards at Spock, who very much suggested I stay behind him.

 I watched Kirk go over to the control panel and hit a button. "What ever happens, Mr, Sulu, if you think you have the tactical advantage, you fire on that ship, even if we're still onboard. That's and order."

 "Yes sir," Mr. Sulu said over the comm.

 "Otherwise we'll contact the Enterprise when we are ready to be beamed back," Kirk finished.

 "Good luck," Sulu said.

 I gulped and stared at the floor. I was not ready for this. We were going over to the enemy's ship, stealing a device most likely larger than an elephant, bring back Captain Pike, and come back to the Enterprise, somehow unharmed. I didn't even have a phaser. The captain said he doesn't want me to hurt myself... he simply doesn't trust me.

"Okey-dokey then," Scotty said, "If there is any common sense in the design of the enemy ship, I should be putting you somewhere in the Cargo Bay. Shouldn't be a soul in sight."

"Energize," Kirk commanded.

Spock turned back at me and gave me a small smirk. I gave him a worried smile and the familiar, nauseating lights swirled around me.

A Logical Feeling?  - A Spock (Star Trek) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now