Chapter 9: The Mind-meld

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It seemed like forever. Just the two of us in a world of tears. Him for his mother and his home planet, and mine for him as well as my parents. I concluded that I would tell no one of this. This was something neither of us wanted to experience, but yet here we were, sobbing in each other's arms.

Spock seemed to calm down a bit, as his sobs were becoming more mute. They turned to heavy breaths, and then to little whimpers. He slowly brought his head off my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes. His cheeks were a dark green, and his ears had a tint of green as well. I watched as his eyes searched for my ears. My brown hair covered them so no one could see the carnage. He lifted his hand and moved away my hair. What he saw was simply and act of abuse and brutality. The tops of my ears were scarred, as if someone had mangled them. He just stared at them. I became unsettled as his piercing eyes became dark. His pupils seemed to dilate with not only anger, but curiosity.

He lifted his hand in front of my face. "May I?" He said in a low tone.

I nodded my head nervously, and he placed his hand on the left side of my face. He closed his eyes and I felt a surge of electricity run through my brain. This was not a painful experience, just a new feeling. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but when I felt him in my thoughts, I knew exactly what was going on. He was mind-melding with me.


It was years ago on Vulcan. There was a little girl, who was no older than 6, and a woman, who Spock assumed was the girl's mother, standing at a shuttle bay.

"Sweetie," the woman started, "Mommy has to be away for a while. I am going to let you go on this shuttle with your aunt T'lelia. You are going to Earth to stay for a little while."

The little girl's lip started trembling. "Why mommy?"

"Because.. because I want you to be happy. I can tell you aren't happy here, dear. The people who live here think you are too.. "emotional". Go somewhere where you can be as emotional as you could ever want," the woman explained.

"B-but... mommy! I don't want to go! I want to stay here, with you," the girl whimpered.

"Penny, please," the woman begged. "Do not argue with me. You have no say so in this. You are going. I love you my sweet baby."

And with that, Penny was taken to the shuttle and was flown off into space.

The mind-meld skipped forwards to the time on Earth. What Spock saw next was horrifying. He simply saw Penny strapped to a table, screaming more than he had ever heard before.

Penny was strapped to a metal table. There was a man looming over her. He had sharp tools and chemicals on a table beside him.

"My dear, please stop the nonsense," the man chided, "I am going to make you acceptable. With those pointy ears of yours, you will never be accepted into society!!"

"DADDY! PLEASE!! LET ME GO!" Penny screamed.

"Shhh... You will be perfect," the man said.

And with that, he took the scalpel and started to scrape away at her ears. Penny's screams were unbearable.

~~~~End mind-meld~~~~

Spock quickly let go. He was breathing really hard. He looked deep into Penny's eyes. "You... poor woman...," he said.

Penny looked down. "I never wanted anyone to know. They were right, I am too emotional for a Vulcan. So, I always told everyone I was human."

"But... why?" Spock asked. "You shouldn't feel ashamed of your heritage. That is... illogical."

Penny looked up at Spock. "I..-"

"Can Mr. Spock please report to the bridge? I repeat, Mr. Spock to the bridge. Kirk out."

Spock looked up to the ceiling. Kirk's voice rang out throughout the Enterprise. Spock's cheeks turned slight green.

"We should go," I suggested.

Spock simply nodded and took my hand. We both walked out of the transporter room, our heads held high, not caring who saw us.

A Logical Feeling?  - A Spock (Star Trek) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now