Chapter 13: Nero

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 Kirk quietly dragged me behind him, looking left and right to make sure no Romulans were watching. We came across a tunnel of sorts, which had standing water in it. At the end of the tunnel was an opening. Kirk walked out and gazed around at his surroundings. He turned to the right and froze. Nero.

 Nero was standing on a platform about 20 ft. away from us, staring at us with evil eyes. My heart lurched as I watched Kirk step forward and aim his phaser at Nero.

Kirk was breathing heavily. "Nero, order your men to disable the drill or I will-"

 Out of no where, a Romulan hit Kirk on his right eye. I let out a yell and backed away, but another Romulan came up behind me and grabbed me. I kicked and screamed, trying to break free, but the Romulan grabbed my left arm and put it behind my back. His other arm wrapped around my mouth and grasped the left side of my neck.

 Nero ran over to where Kirk was. "I know your face from Earth's history." He then picked up Kirk and threw him backwards many feet. He walked over to him, picked him up again, and punched him three times in the stomach. Kirk let out a half-yell, half-moan as he got up again. This time he punched Nero, but Nero retaliated and punched him back, causing Kirk to lay on the ground.

 "Stomp! Leamve him alonme!" I mumbled through the Romulan's arm. The Romulan only tightened his grip, causes me to lose my breath.

 Nero got on top of Kirk and started to choke him. "James T. Kirk was considered to be a great man. He went on to captain the U.S.S. Enterprise. But that was another life. A life I will deprive you of, just like I did your father."

 Just then, a voice rang out over the ship. "Captain Nero. The Vulcan ship has been taken. The drill has been destroyed."

 Nero immediately stopped choking Kirk. "SPOCK! SPOCK!!!!"

 I shivered at his yell. He then ran away from Kirk and jumped from one platform to another. This wouldn't have been a big issue, hadn't the platforms been almost 20 ft. from each other. Kirk gasped for air and tried to get up. The Romulan that had been holding me let go, spun me around, and hit me on the side of my face. I yelped and flew to the left, almost blacking out. I opened my eyes to see the Romulan run away, following Nero. The Romulan that hit Kirk was walking towards him, holding his massive phaser in a threatening way. Kirk looked at me, as if asking if he could flee. I nodded and he got up. He then sharply turned around and ran to where Nero had jumped. He flew up in the air, arms waving in an attempt to stick the landing. He made it, but barely. He slide down and was barely hanging onto it.

 I crawled over to where I could see, just to make sure he was okay. My heart sank as I watched the Romulan jump over with ease, picking Kirk up by the neck.

 "Your species is even weaker than I expected," the Romulan growled. "You can't even speak."

 Kirk let out gargled noises, as if he was trying to talk.

 The Romulan pulled Kirk closer to his face. "What?" He said with an evil grin.

 Kirk gave a determined face. "I got your gun," he said. Just then a phaser shot rang out, and the Romulan dropped Kirk.I watched as the Romulan leaned forwards and fell limply off the platform, dropped hundreds of feet. I gave a sigh of relief as Kirk got up.

 He ran back to me and helped me stand. "You okay?" He asked.

 I gave a nod and we once again ran throughout the ship. We came across none other than Captain Pike, who was strapped to a bed of sorts. Kirk shot another Romulan as I ran to Pike. Kirk went to the opposite side of the bed and started getting the restraints off of him.

 Pike looked at Kirk. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

 "Just following orders," Kirk answered.

 Just then, Pike shot up and grabbed Kirk's gun from his belt. He looked behind Kirk and shot two Romulans. I looked at Kirk in surprise, who looked at Pike.

 Suddenly, alarms started going off. I could hear the distant yells of Romulans. What was going on? Then it hit me. Spock. Is he okay? If so, what was he doing? Was he the cause of the alarms?  My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Kirk's voice. "Enterprise now!!!" He yelled into his communicator. Then the lights swirled around us once more.

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