Awesomeness, Wizard Style

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Yes, I am starting the sequel to Awesomeness, Pirate Style, at first I was reluctant to start this story since I'm still writing my other band story.  I have had requests from several people though, to keep it going.  I asked SmothObsessed who plays Cathy in both stories, to write the main story line and for me to edit it and put my flairs of awesomeosity into the story, well here it is, the SEQUEL.

Rianna:  *pacing around my house, petting my cat like a boss person who sits in a spinny chair all day*  Well kitty, I miss my piratey life.  It was fun back then.  A year ago.... Now I miss everyone.  Well this sucks.

Dorian: (Yes I charmed my dog so he can talk)  *walking beside me*  Well why don't you go and find new piratey friends?

Rianna:  That actually sounds like a good idea, but what about James and everyone else, I bet James has already proposed to Lizzy again.  Man I hate that women, with her British accent drinking tea and crap.  That's so stupid.

Dorian:  Well why don't you visit a place in one of your books, you are a wizard aren't you.

Rianna:  That sounds like a plan.  I'm going to go pack my stuff, kitty is coming with me, you can stay home, have a dog party, invite all the neighborhood poodles over, do whatever, I don't care just don't set the house on fire.  *goes into room and starts packing and puts kitty into a crate*

Dorian:  What if I wanna come?

Rianna:  Well I can't have a talking dog following me around the whole time now can I?

Dorian:  Then turn me into a human.

Rianna:  Well I'm going somewhere that only allows magic people.

Dorian:  Turn me into a magic talking dog then.

Rianna:  I don't even know if I can turn you human or not.  Ugh fine.  *rolls eyes*  I will.  *Turns Dorian into a fifteen year old boy*  Oh my god, *shields eyes at a naked Dorian*  go get a towel or something.

Dorian:  COOOOOOOL!  I'm a REAL boy.

Rianna:  Yes yes, it's always fun to quote things, but you need clothes, an magic.

Dorian:  Then poof me some then.

Rianna:  *poofs dorian some clothes that are similar to his dog coat*  You look like you're a human dog, neato.

Dorian:  Wow *wriggles fingers*  This is cool.  *runs to a mirror*  I even have blue eyes like I did AND the same brownish hair that I had around my ears.  Haha this is so freaking awesome.

Rianna:  Now I have to turn myself into a fiftteen year old, because we're going to hogwarts when everyone important is a fifth year.  *turns into a fifteen year old Rianna*  I'M YOUNG AGAIN!  Now I feel like breaking out in song and dance.

Dorian:  This isn't a musical.  Now let's leave, I'll go get my toys.  *he leaves to go get his chew toys*  Kay, I'm ready. 

Rianna:  Wait, you need luggage and a wand.  *poofs him everything he needs*  Easy, now when we get there, you are going to be my best friend from childhood.  Well just play along... and try to act.... human.  Okay *apparates to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry*  Ok we're right outside the great hall, we're going to walk in like we belong, we're going to get sorted with all the first years then go and sit at the table we belong at.

Dorian:  *looks worried*  What if I get sorted to a different hose than you?

Rianna:  It'll be alright it's noty a big deal, we'll probably have the same classes anyway.

Dorian:  Okay then what about our stuff?

Rianna:  It's all FINE.  I sent it up to our rooms, with MAGIC.  *they call in all the first years* now lets go.  *we walk in with the group of first years*

*They call out my name when it's my tum, hm that's weird, I don't remember charming anyone to do that, whatever.*

*I sit down on the stool for the sorting hat*

Sorting hat:  *they place the hat on my head*  Hmmm, lot's of ambition, an eye for adventure I see.

Rianna:  You got that right.

Sorting hat:  A sarcastic side I see, rebellious and smart.  Loves destroying things for fun.  Looks like you're a SLYTHERIN!

Rianna:  Frik YES!  CAUSE I'M TOTALLY AWESOME!  *I walk to the Slytherin table and give Dorian a reassuring glance, I sit next to Draco when I get there*  Hey there, Draco.

Draco:  *scoffs*  Mudblood.


Draco:  *looks me up and down*  You're hot.

Rianna:  Yea I know.

*A short girl from the Huffelpuff table leans over and says something to me*

Girl:  Hey Rianna, didn't know you were here.

Rianna:  What the- *I turn around*  ....Cathy?  How did you get here?

Cathy:  On my magical Beluga Whale.

Rianna:  *face palm*  I should have known.

Cathy:  Yep, and I brought Jack.

Jack:  Num num num rum rum rum.

Rianna:  Oh great.

Cathy:  Yea, he freaks me out when he's drunk.

Rianna:  How did you even get in here, or recognize me for that matter.  I charmed myself.

Cathy:  Yea, and so did I.  The charms that we used don't work on people we know.

Rianna:  Ok, so is Jack under a charm.

Cathy:  Nope, and he doesn't remember me either, thanks to YOU, RIANNA!

Rianna:  Hey it was just good business okay.  Now look, there's Dorian.

Cathy:  Your dog, you turned him human, what are you crazy?

Rianna:  No, just awesome.

Sorting hat:  Eh, wanting to be in Slytherin, for purposes of wanting to be with a friend.  You care dearly for this person.  But you wouldn't like it in Slytherin, you belong in GRYFFINDOR!

*the Gryffindor table cheers*


Rianna:  Great, now I have to go council a friend.

Awesomeness, Wizard StyleWhere stories live. Discover now