Chapter 11

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Rianna:  *walks into the common room singing*  WHOOOOOOOO ARE YOU?  WHO WHO? WHO WHO?  WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ARE YOU?  WHO WHO WHO WHO?

Paul:  Are you seriously singing that?

Rianna:  ...yea.  Why?

Loki:  Would you guys shut up I'm trying to sleep.

Rianna/Paul:  ..... You're still here?

Loki:  *gets up off couch*  Yea, I'm homeless now remember.

Rianna:  Can you draw.  *looks at Paul with a smirk*

Loki:  I can draw pretty good pictures of horses that get sent to little boys after I die...

Paul: .... Show us.

Rianna:  Wait... are they eight legged?

Loki:  Ha ha, NO.  They are regular horses in fact.

Rianna:  *hands him a pencil and paper*  GO!

Loki:  *draws furiously and after thirty minutes of everyone else playing rock paper scissors he finishes*  WOOLAH!  *holds up the drawing*

Rianna:  Hmm, you're pretty good after all.  *crosses arms*

Paul:  *looks jealous*  I can do that too!  *grabs Loki's pencil and another piece of paper*  Watch this.  *finishes the drawing after five minutes and it's just a cow looking thing with one front leg and one back leg*

Rianna:  *smirks at Loki*  SOMEBODY HAND ME A GUITAR! 

Loki:  Oooh, hold on.  *morphs into a guitar*

Rianna:  -_- Well this is going to be awkward.  *picks up Loki/guitar and starts playing*  PAULIE CAN'T DRAW PAULIE CAN'T DRAW PAULIE CANNOT DRAW!  HE ONLY READS BOOKS AND HE CANNOT DRAW EVEN IF HE'S READING A HOWTODRAW BOOK!  Cmon everybody!  Join in!  *the rest of the commonroom joins in singing*


Rianna:  *music stops*  AND I LOOOOOVE IT!


Rianna:  YEA YEA!  YA HEARD MEH!  Okay Loki you can transfer back into a huma- I mean god...

Loki:  *morphs back but this time has cat ears and a tail*  Well imma go grab some pudding from the great hall..

Rianna:  Uh, Loki!

Loki:  Yessssss?

Rianna:  Never mind.

Cathy:  *comes out from underneath the invisibility cloak*  ... is he a neko too?

Rianna:  *scratches back*  Uh... yea, yea he is.

Cathy:  *runs after him and the rest of the commonroom clears out*

Paul:  *scoots over closer to her on the couch*  Why hello there.

Rianna:  Hi paul.

Paul:  Looks like it's just you and me huh?  Me and you?  Together?

Draco:  *rianna looks relieved when he comes in*  DID SOMEBODY SAY DRACO MALFOY?!?!

Paul:  No!  Nobody said anything!

Draco:  Geez ya don't have to be so mean about it.  *goes away*

Rianna:  *face palm*  NOOOO!  COME BACK!  *but he never comes back*

Paul:  *looks at her* haven't face palmed in forever.

Rianna:  I know, I know.


Cathy:  So I see you have ears now.


Cathy:  And the tail...

Loki:  *freaks out and looks back*  Ahhhhh!  *holds tail*  I NEED MORE PUDDING!

John:  Look lads *leads Ringo and George over*  pussies... heh heh heh.

George:  That's definitely something you would say, John.

Ringo:  Did you hear?  They are going to make a movie with me in it.  It's called Ringo Starr Wars.  So imma leave for a bit lads.  Ta.

George/John:  BYE RINGS!  *waves furiously then leaves the great hall*


Rianna:  Well obviously there's been some miscommunication between us.

Paul:  Do you love me or not Becuase I LOOOOVE YOU!

Rianna:  I have all these feels and I feel so conflicted inside it's just... too much...  *curls up in a ball*

Paul:  *attempts to comfort her*  It's okay.. it'll be okay.

Rianna:  *pushes him away*  I need-  *sobs*

Paul:  What, what is it that you need?

Rianna:  I need-

Paul:  What?

Rianna:  *pulls him closer and whispers*  pudding... and maybe Loki...

Paul:  I'll be right back.  Stay here.  *runs to the great hall and gets Loki who has now turned himself back into a god instead of a neko, which made Cathy sad but whatever*

Rianna:  *when Paul comes back*  Leave us be Paul.  I need to talk to him.  *Paul leaves*

Loki:  What did you want to talk about?

Rianna:  Well do you know what I hate?

Loki:  What?

Rianna:  When people think that acoustic guitars are basses.  They're like, Oh look at that bass that he's playing and I look at them and say, Are you stupid?  Then I slap them and say, that's an acoustic guitar you moron.  Most basses have FOUR STRINGS and besides, acoustic basses are shit anyway but THAT!  THAT is OBVIOUSLY a guitar.  YERP A DERP.

Loki:  Yea, that must be annoying.  Oh hey, ya know what Ringo told me?

Rianna:  What did he tell you?

Loki:  That girls are like drums...

Rianna:  Oh dear.

Loki:  Cause you bang them...

Rianna Ya know he's not a very good influence.

Loki:  I don't even know what that means.  How can you bang a girl?

*we hear a strange cackling sound followed by a few thumps and see Paul rolling own the stairs*

Paul:  *on the ground rofling*  Oh my go-ahhahahaha-d he don't know what HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!  I'm dying!  Like, literally dying.

Rianna:  Did you escape from tumblr Paul?

Paul:  What's tumblr?

Rianna:  Thank god.  *realizes something*  YOU NEVER BROUGHT BACK ANY PUDDING!

Loki:  *watches him and her go at it while eating the last thing of pudding*  EHEHEHEHEHEHE!

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