Chapter 16

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I AM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS!  I AM TERRIBLE AT THAT!  GOSH!  Okay, well you, whoever you are, can send me ideas and/or write a chapter.  TO MY PRECIOUS READERS:  I LOVETH YOU!  And btw message the idea and/or chapter to me and I'll give you credit and dedicate the chappie to you.  Yes I'm desperate.  I'll still edit the chapter but everything you put will stay, unless it's utterly stoopid then I'll trash it.  Uh BUH BYE!

Welp, here goes nothing.

Cathy:  The fuq just happened?

Draco:  I'm bleeding!

Rianna:  *looking at the computer*  Is Selena Gomez making out with Justin Bieber while... cartwheeling.

Cathy:  You know, it's really unclear...


Rianna:  Well we ARE at hogwarts.

Cathy:  Not to mention that we're on tumblr.


Loki:  Right.

Rianna:  Well shit me silly and call me Larry, look who's back!  *turns to face the door.*

Ringo:  I'm-

Cathy/Paul/Rianna/Loki/Draco:  YOU'RE BACK!!!

Ringo:  You actually cared?

Rianna:  Yep, now it's time to send you back.  *grabs Ringo*

Ringo:  Wait, what?

Rianna:  TO THE PAST!!!  *apparates while batman theme plays*  Ok we are here.

Ringo:  The hell?  Why did you send me back and not the others?

Rianna:  Oh, John and George are here, I still gotta break Paul's curse. 


Rianna:  Oh look at me I'm Amon, taking away your bending oh here I go, jk, I'm taking away your magic, SORRY RINGO!  *takes away magicalnessabilities*  Not you made me think of Amon.  :'(  HE DIED AT THE END!  OR AT LEAST I THINK HE DID!  HIS BROTHER KILLED HIM!  AS SCREWED UP AS HE WAS HE WAS HOT!  WHAT HAPPENED TO BROTHERLY LOVE!  AT LEAST THOR LET LOKI LIVE WHEN HE KILLED EVERYBODY!  BUT THIS!  IT'S TOO MUCH, PLUS HE WAS HOT.  I'M TEARBENDING NOW, THANKS ALOT!  EhheheheeeeheeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  *crying, and aparates back to hogwarts*

Cathy:  *outside the window*  MAN IT'S A HOT ONE!

Rianna:  LIKE SEVUN INCHES FROM THE MIDDAY SUN!  I hear you whisperin the words, melt everyone but you stay so COOOOOOOOL.  *starts singing smooth by santana.*

Cathy:  *climbs in window and steals the laptop*

Rianna:  *in room alone, talking to herself*  Really I AM too lazy to actually fall in love with Paul, that would require goin on dates and stuff.  Maybe If I just kissed him then everything would be better.  Like in fairytails and stuff.  Well if he loves me then maybe it will work.  Yes, yes good, yes.  *goes off to find Paul*

Paul:  *upon seeing her walk into the room*  Hey there, sweetcheeks.  *grabs her, spins her around then dips her back like on the movies and kisses her.*

Rianna:  *kisses back*  Well that was easier than expected.  no seriously, that's what I came in here to do.  DID IT WORK?

Paul:  Did what work?

Rianna:  Do you still love me?

Paul:  Well yea.

Rianna:  bhvsduddhsbcuewlohfeohhohiohhugvyccfasdffeaswdcadswwadsdacs. sheeot. *face palm*  Oh hey, did you know that Hiddles is in a Midnight in Paris.  I did not know that!  WHAT THE FUQ  I'M SUPPOSED TO KNOW EVERYTHING!  ...about Tom....

Paul:  ...... ok.......  *leaves*

Rianna: .......... WELL THEN.  I see how it is.  Yea, YOU WALK AWAY!  Don't look back.  *goes off to find someone else and runs into Loki*

Loki: *in front of a group of cats*  KNEEL TO ME YOU DULL CREATURES!!!

*the cats meow and one starts licking its part*

Rianna:  ....they're cats.... they're not gonna listen unless you use that one curse on them that starts with an I and controls them and whatnot.

Loki:  Incendio?

Rianna:  No, that's the one that sets shit on fire.

Loki:  Are you sure it wasn't Crucio?

Rianna:  NO!  That's the one that tortures people....  *looks at Loki who has a glint in his eye*  NO!  No nononononononononono NO no noNo nono.   No.  THIS IS MADNESS!


Rianna:  ...

Loki: ...

Rianna: ...

Loki:  *smiles*  Just kidding, it's hogwarts.  Ehehehehehehehe.  *skips down the hallway*

Rianna:  *ovaries explode* 

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