Chapter 20

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My last chapter.  EVER!  For this "series" I guess you could call it.  Well no actually because it's a sequel and a series really needs to have more than three because three is just a trilogy and a second one is a sequel and just one would be just one I guess.  Whatever.  This is the last chapter.  You get the stupid point.

Rianna:  Welp... Dorian I guess we should go too.

Loki:  What about me?  I thought you were going to make me good? My idiotic brother is going to put me in a prison cell.  You don't want that do you?

Rianna:  No I don't... That's why I'm going to call Tony and tell him... *gets out phone*  I have him on speed dial.  :D

*phone rings*

Loki:  Oh god no.

Rianna:  Oh hey.  Yea hey Tony!  How's it going?  Been good?  Bruce been treating you well?  Yea yea......... uh huh........... yea............. yea........... no no.... i understand perfectly........ it's just you know......... Loki's here............ I really can't leave him at Hogwarts....... the year isn't even over yet but he's not good never thought of that.................... I don't know let me try...........   *turns to loki and points wand*

Loki:  Oh no.  *backs away*

Rianna:  Heh heh.  *does a spell that is supposed to turn Loki good*  Hug me.

Loki:  THat's what I've always needed was a hug.  *goes to hug her*

Rianna:  *hugs*  Okay Tony... I think it worked.  You can come and get him now........ oh..... okay..... so you're sending Thor?  He's DRIVING?  Oh that's a good idea.  You should give Steve his poptarts while you're gone.  Haha.  Okay...... okaay..... bye Tony.  *hangs up*  Well Loki.  Looks like your brother is coming to get you.

*Thor crashes through the wall in Tony's car*

Rianna:  :O   Ohhhhhhhhh somebody is gonna be in trouble......


Loki:  *hugs him*  Oh Thor!  I won't ever play that disappearing trick on you again.

Thor:  OH BROTHER!  YOU ARE HAPPY AGAIN!  *loki disappears from the hug*

Loki:  *from behind the chair*   I'm still evil.  Ehehehehe.  You guys are just gonna have to deal with it.  *poofs out of hogwarts*

Rianna:  *looks at thor dramatically*  Go to him....

Thor:  HAURGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!  *flies off with hammer*

Rianna:  Oh well that's out of the way.  *waves wand and packs up Dorian and her's clothing and other things*  Bye guys.  *hugs draco*  Make friends with harry, draco.... Harry...... *to harry*  Make friends with Drackie Poo.

Draco:  I'm a racist, I despise gingers, I hate ALL of Gryffindor House, and my parents work for the guy who killed your parents, DO YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND?

Harry:  Uhhhhh-

Dorian:  It's time to go home.

Rianna:  *locks arms with Dorian*  Yep.  *disapparates*

Dorian:  So will everything go back to normal?  Will you turn me back into a dog and will you turn into a twenty something year old?

Rianna: Well.... we don't have to.  Do you want?

Dorian:  We can see if it works?

Rianna:  *smiling*  What works?

Dorian:  Oh you know...

Rianna:  Are we both thinking............ ?

Dorian:  I think we are.

Rianna:  To dinner then?

Dorian:  We'll need to get out of these clothes and into something a bit more fitting.  But yes... to dinner.

Rianna:  *poofs on a dark green dress*  I'll be out in the car.

Dorian: Ta.

So they end up going on a date.  Of course she ends up with Dorian even though he didn't have much character development as I had hoped he would have.  But at least Paul isn't in love with her anymore.  And Dorian pours his cereal the right way... her way.  SO that's good.


Ta forevah.

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