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Callie's P.O.V

The lights shining through my curtains have managed to wake me up, pulling my eyes open reluctantly. 

I have never been a morning person, but once I get up... I'm up.

"Good morning, Sunshine," I glanced around my room, finding the adorable source.

Serena was on all fours in my floor, looking around attempting to find something.

She wasn't the one talking, though. 

"Good morning, babe."

I glanced toward Nathan, wondering why he and Serena were in my room this early. 

"Why are you two in here this early? Why are you even awake?" I asked, focusing my attention on Nathan. 

It's been two weeks since he kissed me for the first time. 

Two weeks since we admitted we had feelings for each other. 

It's been about one week since he asked me to be his girlfriend. 

"Well, for one, it's actually noon. Two, Serena said she can't find her bracelet with the little hearts on it."

I glanced at Serena, wondering what bracelet she'd been talking about. 

"What?" I asked, focusing on Serena now. 

"That bracelet that you got me for my birthday last year. I lost it like three weeks ago when I was looking for your lace top. I don't know where it went, help me find it?" She asked, dragging me out of bed to help her look. 

"You lost it three weeks ago, what makes you think you'll find it now?" I asked, glancing around the fairly messy room. 

My cheeks flushed when I spotted a pile of dirty clothes in the corner, my bra was on top. 

I ran by Nathan, kicking the pile of clothes until my bra wasn't on top anymore. 

"You could've just taken your clothes and put them in the hamper..." Serena mumbled, laughing as she walked toward the door. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

She hadn't found her bracelet yet?

"I'm leaving."

She winked at Nathan before leaving, leaving me standing next to Nathan wide-eyed. 

"She never lost her bracelet did she?" He asked, laughing as I nodded my head no.

I let my head rest in my hands as I sat on my bed. She's always up to something. 

"What'd she say to you?" I asked, letting him set next to me. 

"Nothing, what's she up to?" He asked me, nudging my elbow. 

"I honestly don't know," I mumbled, laughing as his smile spread widely across his face. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Nothing," He insisted, smiling like a goof. 

"What's going on, Nathan?" I asked, nudging him. 

He laughed now, nudging me back. I stared at him, slapping his shoulder playfully. 

"Tell me!" 

"Nothing is going on, you're just adorable when you don't know what's going on," He said, trying his best to look convincing. 

His smile was wide, showing all of the truth. He knows something I don't...

"Nathan.." I warn, trying to sound serious. 

"Yes?" He asked innocently. 

I just gave up, letting my head rest on his shoulder. I could feel his shoulders shaking with laughter, I pouted, laying on my side with my head on his leg. 

"It's not fair," I pouted. 

"What's not fair?" He asked, pulling his fingers through my hair. 

I let out a deep breath, trying to come up with an intelligent answer. 

"That you know something I don't," I mumbled, playing with a string in between my fingers. 

His hand stopped for a second, then continued. 

"It's called a surprise, babe," He huffed, laying back on the bed, his legs still hanging off from the knee. 

I smiled a bit, leaning up off of his leg and bringing my eyes to his. 

"Really?" I asked, smiling. 

I don't know what makes me smile more, the fact that he's surprising me or the fact that he called me babe. 

"Duh, you know I tell you everything. I think it's been that way since before we started dating," He said, leaning up and facing me. 

His eyes tell me how much he cares for me, his actions tell me how much I mean to him, and his smile tells me how happy he is with me.


I jumped at my mother's sudden appearance, glancing up in time to watch her burst through my door. 

"Yes, mom?" I asked, glaring at her in annoyance. 

"Serena is waiting for you downstairs," She said, smiling at Nathan. 

"Is this a part of the surprise?" I asked, my mind filled with questions. 

"Yes, now go," He said, kissing my forehead before helping me stand from my bed. 

I smiled at him, waving as I left the room. I ran down the stairs to her, both of us screaming when we saw each other. 

Yes, I am still in my pajamas. To be fair, I slept in a sweater and leggings. I don't have on any makeup, I only slipped on my Birkenstocks before leaving. 

"You ready?" She asked, smiling at me before heading toward her black Impala. 

"I'm ready. Tell me about the surprise?" I begged, buckling up as I stepped down into her car. 

"Sorry, I have been sworn to secrecy. It's not in my authority to tell you about the surprise."

I scoffed, listening to the load of bull she said. 

"I hate you," I mumbled, pouting as she pulled out of my driveway. 

"No, you would hate me if I ruined the surprise," She mumbled, laughing as I huffed. 

She turned on the radio, Kevin Gates blaring out of the speakers. 

"Dang, S!" I yelled over the music. 

"I know, I'm sorry," She said, turning it down a bit. 

I laughed, turning it back up. 

"Ain't got no time for that!" I sang, yelling the lyrics with the radio. 

I don't usually like rap music, but I do like this song. Serena showed it to me a while back, I never knew she was so into rap music. 

"Girl, get hyped," S yelled, singing with me. 

As the song came to an end, I turned the radio down and we laughed in unison. 

"I didn't know you were so into rap," I said, smiling at her. 

She smirked, glancing at me for a second as she pulled into the movie theater parking lot. 

"Just like you know nothing about the surprise," She mumbled. My mouth hung open in surprise at her attitude. 


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