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Callie's P.O.V.

Two Years Later...

I let my gaze fall on my small child, her tiny hands clinging to mine tightly. 

I took my wedding ring off, setting it on the table beside the rocking chair. I held the bottle at a high angle, letting Adeline suck the rest of the milk from the bottle. 

Her big blue eyes stared back into mine, full of curiosity. I let my hand cradle her head softly as I pulled the empty bottle away, setting it beside me as I rocked her back and forth. 

I could hear Nathan in the other room, watching a football game no doubt. 

I stood slowly, carrying our daughter to the other room with Nathan. 

Her eyes found Nathan, her face lighting up as I set her in his arms gently. 

"Hey, baby girl," He whispered, rocking her in his arms. 

I love the sight of Nathan holding our daughter more than I loved the sight of his tears on our wedding day. 

It still shocks me that she is already four months old.

"I'm gonna go make dinner, what do you want?" I asked, standing next to him. 

"How about... I make dinner and you go put Addie to bed. She is yawning more than you," He said, kissing my forehead as he put Adeline in my arms. 

I kissed her forehead as I carried her back to her crib, the wooden frame of it coming just above my waist. 

She snuggled into her blanket, the one that my mother knitted for her, her eyes almost snapping shut instantly. 

I turned the light off in her room, leaving the door open as I walked down the hallway to the kitchen. 

The white paint on the walls contrasted well between the dark red bricks of the kitchen wall. I smiled as Nathan pulled a few vegetables from the cupboard. 

"Babe, will you grab the measuring cup from the dishwasher, I just washed it," he mumbled, pointing toward the dish washer. 

I handed him the cup as he started to cut the bell peppers. 

"I swear, the new still hasn't worn off of this place. We've lived here for a year and I can't get used to it," I said, popping a piece of bell pepper in my mouth. 

He popped my hand, laughing when I stuck my tongue out at him.

I walked from the kitchen to the bathroom, taking the box I'd been hiding out from under the kitchen sink. 

I guess it's time to know for sure if I am pregnant again...


Nathan's P.O.V.

"Babe, can you come here for a second?" Callie called, most likely waking up Adeline. 

I stirred soup one last time, turning the oven off as I walked toward the other room. 

Callie was sitting on the bed, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. 

"What is it?" I asked, looking around. 

"Um, will you go get that thing out of the bathtub so I can shower?" She asked, pointing to the bathroom. 

I let out a small laugh, nodding my head as I walked toward the bathroom. 

I could feel her walking behind me, her steps close behind mine. 

I opened the shower curtain, glancing around the tub until my eyes landed on the stick lying in the middle of it. 

I leaned down, picking it up as I realized what it was. 

"Are you serious?" I asked, my voice shaky as my mind took in the word 'positive.'

Her eyes were filled with tears and she jumped up and hugged me tight. 

"I'm dead serious! Baby, I'm pregnant, again!" She said, her eyes gazing into mine. 

I couldn't find the words to describe how happy I am. 

My wife, my beautiful wife is pregnant for the second time. We are going to have another baby, another child to call our own. 

"Say something.." She mumbled, biting at her nails. 

"I hope it's a boy!" I said, wrapping my arms around her tight. 

I lifted her off of the ground, spinning around like a mad man. 

"Adeline needs a little brother," She mumbled, her tears wetting my shirt. 

I felt a tear fall down my face, the same tears that fell when I said my vows, the same tears that fell when I saw my beautiful daughter for the first time. 

My wife and I stood still now, our hearts beating faster and faster with each tear that fell. 

"I love you," I mumbled, wiping a tear from her cheek. 

"I love you more," She said, pressing her salty lips to mine. 

I kissed her softly, chuckling when Adeline began wailing from the next room. 

"I'll get it. You will have to stay up late with the new one," I mumbled, laughing as her jaw dropped a bit. 

I walked from our room to Adeline's, smiling as my daughter came into view. 

As I held her in my arms, her crying subsided and I was truly happy. 

I can't help but wander about our past, all of the panic attacks and fear we felt when we met. 

I don't know why I decided to take the train that day, but I'm glad I did.



Okay guys, that's a wrap. 

Thank you all so much for the reads and votes, please comment and vote on this chapter. 

I loved writing this so much, please go check out my other book. 

I'm sorry it's short but I feel like this is a good way to end this book, I hope you enjoyed. 

Good Bye.

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