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Nathan's P.O.V.    (FLASHBACK)

Her hair fell down into her face, hiding her eyes as she walked away from the red-faced off guy. 

His hand caught her arm, she winced as he did. 

This isn't right. 

I can't just watch her, she's obviously in a bad situation. 

But she's at least trying to leave. 

"Excuse me," I said, moving through the crowd toward the girl. 

The angry boy's hand was latched onto her wrist. 

Her wrist looked way too frail to be held like that. It has to hurt her, how could he hurt a girl like her?

"Hey, get your hands off me. I am not yours, I told you ,Colton, it's over between us. You've hurt me too many times," She said, trying to pull away from him.

Hurt her?

She stumbled back, my arms instantly steadying her. 

"Easy there," I said, helping her find her balance. 

Her eyes poured into mine for an instant, thanking me. 

"You okay, honey?" I asked, glancing at the angry boy behind her. 

As much as I would love to ignore him I know I'm not gonna be able to. 

"I'm fine, thank you," She said, her voice shaky. 

It was fairly obvious that she was not fine, I could see what was hidden behind her smile, it wasn't the fact that she was okay. 

"You don't seem fine," I mumbled, noticing the guy take a step forward. 

His hand shot toward hers, attempting to pull her back to him. 

"She said she was fine," He spat, glaring at me the whole time. 

I could understand why someone wouldn't want their girlfriend talking to another guy, but it's fairly obvious that he doesn't care about her. 

I ignored his attempt to brush me off. 

"Are you here for the train?" I asked, her eyes focused on mine. 

She seemed thankful for a way out, a way to leave the boy. 

"Yes, I actually need to be boarding now. Goodbye, Colton."

Colton. So that's his name. 

"Maybe we should go then, because I am boarding now, as well," I mumbled, taking a step sideways to let her walk first. 

She pulled her wrist from Colton's hand, making me step closer to her. 

She isn't comfortable.

"I'm Nate, by the way," I said, holding my hand out for her to shake. 

I smiled at her, hoping to put out a friendly vibe. 

"My name is Callie. The angry ape is Colton. Thank you for that, by the way," She said, shaking me hand and returning the smile. 

Her smile is beautiful. 

She's beautiful. 

"For what?" I asked, my eyes wandering over to the train and the crowd of people boarding. 

"Saving me from him. You might not think you did much, but you did. It meant a lot that some stranger would help me," She mumbled, brushing a few strands of her long blonde hair from her face. 

"I think everyone should help those in need. You were obviously uncomfortable. I don't know what he did to you, but I already don't like him," I said, glaring at the boy behind us.

Callie tried to hide the smirk on her face, glancing between Colton and I.

Her smirk turned to a look of fear, I found out why when I felt him push me to the side and lunge for her. 

"Don't touch me," She yelled, turning to leave us both.

Anger coursed through me, me legs moving quicker than my brain. I quickly found my balance and lunged toward them. Everything he's doing reminds me of my childhood. 

"When will you learn, you can't leave me," Colton yelled.

His fist raised, as well as my anger. She turned her face, trying to hide, and based on her reaction he's done this before. 

I lunged for him now, catching his fist in my hand. I twisted his arm behind his back, holding it between his shoulder blades and pushing further until it almost snapped.

"I believe she said don't touch her, now leave before I break you," I said, gritting my teeth to keep from losing my temper too much.

I pushed him forward, watching him stumble a few times. 

"Fine, I hope you're happy with her. I wasn't," He said.

How could he say that?

How could he say that about her?

As I turned around, ignoring the ignorant boy walking away, I caught sight of Callie flipping Colton off. 

I couldn't help but laugh, she's so strong. 

How can someone who is in so much pain be so strong?

I've never understood how someone can hurt someone they love. If you love someone you have to keep them safe, you have to want to keep them safe. It's not enough to love someone, it's not even enough to keep them safe, you have to put them first. 

We walked toward the train, the wind tangling her hair. 

I watched in admiration as she wrestles her hair down. She was obviously shaken, even if I couldn't see any physical injuries doesn't mean that there aren't any. 

She stepped onto the train, favoring her left side. 

Her ribs. 

I ignored the anger that coursed through me at the thought of him hurting her, the pain I felt when I was a child resurfacing for the moment, like a bad memory. 

I let my hand absent-mindedly graze my ribs. 

The pain he caused in her was worse than the pain I felt, it was worse because at one time he obviously loved her. 

As the train pulled out of the station, I let the thought of her keep my mind from going to a dark place. 

From now on, I'll keep her safe. 

I have to.



Short chapter, I know. 

Sorry it's so short, I'm getting this story to where it needs to be. 

Please vote and comment,I love all of my readers. 


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