↣ eleven

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eleven - Noah Foster, You Have No Idea How Bad I Still Love You

''Do we really need all these balloons?'' Lexi questions Kieran as Brooke, Emma, Kieran and herself were walking down the busy hospital hallway.

He shrugs his shoulders. ''Well, we have to give him something.''

''Balloons? Does it have to be balloons? I mean if I got stabbed and saw someone else die the same day I could have died, I wouldn't want balloons,'' Lexi rants just as they were about to enter the room Noah Foster was emitted in.

''Lexi,'' Brooke hissed. ''Shut up.''

''Hey,'' Emma greets softly, ignoring the unnecessary comments being made behind her.

Audrey turned off the TV provided in the room and stood onto her feet. ''Hey. Hey guys.''

''How you doing?'' Emma asks towards the hospitalized boy that held his features of void from any emotion.

As Kieran went to place the balloons somewhere in the room, Emma twists the cup of coffee out of the tray. ''I, um.. I got you a coffee, and I got you a mocha, coconut, extra shot, right?

Audrey was drinking her drink while Noah sat there blankly. ''I can only have clear fluids.''

The blonde looks down apologetically, ''Right. Right, sorry.''

After finding Noah buried in the old barn Audrey had lead them to the day before, a phone was buried with what the group thought was another live stream of Zoe in the same predicament as Noah, only nearly drowning.

They drove as fast they could to Wren Lake, pulling up the crate and hoping to have Zoe alive and well, but when the opened it, all of the water built up inside spilled, the deceased remaining in the square box.

And if that wasn't crazy enough, Audrey revealed a very personal love for the blonde accompanying them, explaining the real reason why she did what she did.

Noah and Lexi haven't talk since. They knew that they should talk. There was nothing like a near life ending situation that really brought out what needs to be said.

''Um, we downloaded a bunch if movies to watch,'' Brooke smiles, handing over his tablet. ''All your creepy faves.''

''Psycho, Night of the Living Dead, It Follows,'' Kieran began to list off.

''I don't want to watch any of that,'' Noah snapped. Lexi jerked back with furrowed brows, looking around at her group of friends as if she didn't hear properly.

''Zoe said it. I turn death into a puzzle I can solve instead of dealing with my feelings. I missed out on so much. Obsessing on slasher logic, playing detective,'' He shakes his head. ''I'm done with all of it.''

Lexi crosses her arms against her chest, breathing out, ''Well at least he's talking.''

Brooke shakes her head, ''What do you mean?''

''I'm done with my murder obsession and everything that goes with it. I'm shutting down The Morgue.''

''We can't give up, Noah,'' Kieran spoke.

His blue orbs finally shift to lock contact with Kieran. ''Why not? He wins every game.''

Lexi looks away with pursed lips as he continued. ''I told my mom, you guys would go over and take down the murder board and pack up everything that goes with it. I don't want to see any of that stuff ever again.''

Emma placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. ''Yeah. Of course, Noah. Whatever you need.''

Lexi rolls her eyes at her. Now wasn't the time to get sympathetic. Now is the time swallow our feelings and continue fighting whoever is tormenting them.

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