Ch7-The Ball

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A/N: When I refer to the nobles I mean all of the people who are listed under lords and children except Garte, the lord of Phoenix drop and any other lord like that.

Dante's P.O.V.

This castle is dangerous. Apparently it is a magnet for thieves. My brother Gene and I don't want to be here anymore. However there is something holding ii back from leaving. I don't know what it is at all.

However there is something holding me here to. That thief that Jeffory has in his room. She is so different from every girl that I have ever met. Every girl I have ever met has always just bowed down to or fangirled. Nothing against that but I want so even who doesn't just like me because I'm rich.

But Aphmau I different. I mean for one she didn't hesitate to attack us. I've never been attacked before. It's not like I want to be attacked but it was nice to have a change from always being loved by everyone. I can tell that all the nobles are interested in her to.

I decide to sneak into Jeffory's room to see her again. I open the door and quickly close it making sure no one saw me. When I turn I see all my friends standing there watching over her. Apparently we all had the same idea.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Ughh my head hurts a lot. I am not in the cell bed, or in my normal bed. I open my eyes and I see all of the nobles surrounding me. I tare at them without saying a word. They are hovering over me, looking at me like I'm some kind of interesting animal. Ugh they are so annoying.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly

"We want to know why you are stealing" Cadenza asks

"Umm because it's my job?" I say obviously "I have to in order for my friends and I to survive. It's not like we get to live in a p,ace like this. Just ask Nicole"

"Why won't your friends survive if you don't steal?" Vylad asks sitting down on the bed

"Because then we won't have any money for food. So I need to get back to them because they need me" I reply

"Hold on a second" Garroth interrupts "We all know that there is a ball tonight so we can't have any trouble. We need Aphmau to stay here so she won't cause trouble in town"

"What! No way in nether!" I yell getting up from where I was laying

"Watch your language" Zane tells me

"Shut it brat, no way am I staying here any longer" I say

"Actually you will, or else we will find out the location of the thieves guild and kill them all" Zan yells back

"Fight me you spoiled brat" I yell back

"Can we all stop yelling please" Sky says "Aphmau you will stay here and attend the ball so we know you aren't causing any trouble. That will be all"

"I can't believe this, Ughh. Wait till Ross and Lucinda hear about this" I say grumbling

"Who are they?" Cadenza asks

"None of your business" I say

"Well then I'll show you to your room, follow me" Jin states

I roll my eyes and I follow him. As we walk I take in the castles interior. It's beautiful yes but not amazing. Well, at least not to me, I've been in and out of here so many times that I have just grown used to it.

"You know we never meant to hurt you" Jin says

"Yeah whatever" I say rolling my eyes

I already miss my friends. They are my family and we are so close. Every morning I would always come down to the main living area and speak with Ross.

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