Ch18-Adventure Start

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Jeffory's P.O.V.

I wake yo quickly hoping that no one else is up in castle. Today is the day that I am going with the thieves on an adventure. I am so excited to be able to have an actual adventure and not just always fighting in someone's orders.

I'll get to impress Aphmau with my sword fighting abilities as well so that's a bonus. Who would have thought tang after all these years of trying to catch Aphmau and put her in prison I'm going on a ship with her. I sure hope I don't get seasick.

I slept in my clothes and I have a bag and sword ready to go. I grab my things and I sneak out of my room. I am stepping as quietly as I can past the nobles rooms so they aren't woken up by me. If they wake up them everything will be ruined.

I manage to make it out of the castle through the back door successfully. This is all going according to plan. Now I have nothing stopping me from getting to Aphmau. I can just see it now: us sitting in the beach at sunset kissing each other. Me pulling out a ring

"JEFFORY!" I hear some one hell

I look over my shoulder to see Shelby

"I've been calling you for five minutes" she says "Are you going on the trip to?"

"Wait why are you going?" I ask her

"Umm I'm Red's almost-girlfriend" she says laughing

"Oh right, well then let's go" I say and we walk to the docks

Zane's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of someone trying to sneak down the hall way. My ears are sharp. I wake up my brothers and we go to see what's going on. Jeffory is walking down the hallway with a suitcase and a sword.

I knew that he had put in a request for a month off and he was granted it. What I am confused about is why. When he is out of sight I see Laurance, Cadenza and every other noble walk out of their room to see what's going on.

We all quickly get dressed and follow him. He is walking down to the docks. How weird. Wait a second is that Aphmau?

Aphmau's P.O.V.

We are just starting to pack the ship with stuff when Jeffory walks in. I already told the thieves that he will be coming and they where cool with it. That's why I love them so much. Shelby is also here so we have another girl to gossip about the nobles with. She learns a lot about them by cleaning their rooms.

I can't help but feel like we are being watched. I look around but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Jeffory immediately starts carrying the heavy stuff. Katelyn challenges him to see who is stronger.

They each keep picking up boxes and I am laughing until Jeffory picks me up.

"Hey put me down" I say pretending to be angry

"Yeah Aphmau doesn't count, she is as light as a feather" Lucinda adds laughing

"Pick up Barney instead" Shelby giggles

Barney runs over and jumps on Jeffory causing all the boxes to fall and Jeffory to pin me onto the ground. Lucinda, Nicole and Katelyn basically kill themselves laughing and I am blushing like a red apple.

Garroth's P.O.V.


I knew there was a reason he was sneaking out. He is going on a trip with Aphmau. How dare he not tell us. I look over to my group and we all agree that we are taking a ship and following them. This plan is horribly thought out but we are doing it anyway.

A Thief In Phoenix DropWhere stories live. Discover now