Ch12-Turned Tables

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

Ahh it feels nice to finally wake up in my bed. It has a particular smell around it and I'm not waking up in a place that is unfamiliar. I wonder if the people at the castle have already forgotten about me. I doubt it, I'm pretty hard to forget.

I sit up in my bed and stretch my arms and I look around my room. I really missed this place. If I ever had to leave again I swear I'll kill somebody. Knowing me I actually will. I stand up and walk out to the breakfast room.

As I walk out I am attacked with a thousand hugs.

"APHMAU I MISSED YOU!" Lucinda yells

"Don't ever do that gain, you were gone for like five days" Red states

"The nobles really are bad for keeping you there" Nicole giggles

We decide to have an early morning training session. I grab my daggers and we walk out to the forest. Nicole and I are telling everyone about the geography of the map while Ross draws up a map. They are going to steal from the castle again. I don't know if they should.

Dante's P.O.V.

The nobles decided that it would be bad if Aphmau delivered all the information of the castle to the thieves. We all agreed to search the forest for the thieves. If we can find the hide out we can get back all the stolen things to.

We hear laughing and the sound of things hitting trees. We silently follow the sound and we hide in the bushes. I look over to Aaron and he is smiling. I peek over the bushes and I see Aphmau and some of the other thieves including Nicole.

"Guys you seriously shouldn't steal from the castle, they'll be expecting some sort of attack" Aphmau states

"Well yeah but we need to get them back for holding you captive and forcing Nicole to be 'perfect' in  everyday" I hear a women with Red hair reply

"So toilet paper their castle and use silly string on their plants and move on. I'm never going back again" Nicole states

"Ok fine, you two don't have to come. But we are still going" A woman with blue hair laughs

"Oh alright, see you guys soon. Be careful" Aphmau says waving goodbye to her friends as they run off

Nicole and Aphmau agree to practice fighting with each other. They are both really good, Nicole is good with her swords and Aphmau is amazing with knives. We are about to see who has won when Garroth accidentally falls out of the bushes.

Nicole and Aphmau immediately have their swords and daggers pointed at him.

"Garroth?" They both ask in unison

"Hey girls, what's up" Garroth asks innocently

"Your soul if you don't get out of here in five seconds" Nicole states

Wow she just gave him a death threat

I stand up and stand next to Garroth. He shouldn't be alone. Eventually all of the nobles are standing on one side. Nicole and Aphmau look at each other nervously. They nod at each other and turn around to run.

Before anything else can happen we run after them.

"Nicole take the left path" Aphmau yells jumping into the trees

"Alright, I'll get trap 4 set up" Nicole yells back

We all end up following Aphmau. I don't know why but I followed her because Nicole is kind of scary, she gave a very threat to one of the friends she has had split the past few years. I just don't want to die.

Aphmau leads us to a part of the forest with blue trees

Aphmau leads us to a part of the forest with blue trees

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and she hides behind one of them. She wasn't fast enough so I saw where she went. I walk over to the tree and when I look behind it there is noting there. I feel a presence behind me.

"She's right behind me isn't she?" I ask sighing

I turn around and see Aphmau's caramel eyes. They are really pretty. That's not something that I should be thinking right now. But her eyes are so nice. She pushes me against the tree and holds a  knife to my throat.

My friends run up behind her but a net drops on them. It lets out a weird mist that  knocks them all out. I feel myself becoming drowsy and I fall to the ground. Aphmau gets out of the area before she is effected.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Nicole and I decided to put all the nobles in the prison cells in the cave

while we wait for the other thieves to come back and then we can decide what to do with them

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while we wait for the other thieves to come back and then we can decide what to do with them. I guess the tables have turned.

When they wake up they look around confused. I am sitting in a chair with my sketching stuff and I'm drawing my room at the castle. I want to show everyone what it looked like. I stand up and walk over to them.

"Hey guys, followed me huh?" I ask them

"Aphmau what are you doing?" Aaron asks her

She looks a little upset when Aaron talks to her.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to get you all out of here but Katelyn needs to talk to you all. She might get violent if I just let you go" Aphmau explains to us

"Are Ross, Barney and Red here?" Sky asks

"APHMAU, WE FOUNDS THE GOAT!" Someone yells from the hallway

"Apparently yes. BARNEY, IN THE DUNGEON!" I yell back

Barney walks in with a goat tied to a leash. I stare at him and he smiles. He sees Sky and Jin and his smile fades.

"What are the Skys and Jins being here for?" Barney asks me

"Nicole and I kidnapped them Where's Katelyn?" I ask

"She is dealing with the McCloud's. He is a goods at the thriving" Barney states

Katelyn walks in and she look at the nobles. She looks back at me and asks me to leave the room. It should be interesting to hear what she has to say to them. I hope she doesn't scare them to much.

Aaron's P.O.V.

When I saw Aphmau I was very shocked, she was very cold. But when I spoke to her she became a bit soft. She said that she was going to try to convince her leader not to hurt us. I just want her to talk to me alone again.

A Thief In Phoenix DropWhere stories live. Discover now