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Ross' P.O.V.

I sneak out of the thief's cave into the forest. I'm sick of not being able to see Aphmau so I'm sneaking off to find her. She stated in her letters that she is in the same room in the castle so it should take me a few minutes to find the window.

I run through the forest and I make it to the wall. I grab a rope and throw it over. I climb up the wall and run across it to find Aph's room. When I make it to her bay window I jump onto the ledge outside of it.

The window is open but I don't want to just jump into without room without her knowing. She is still in bed, fast asleep. Aww she is so cute. I'm about to tap on the window when the door opens. I stand to the side of the window so I can see and I open the window a little to hear.

It's some guy with black hair and red clothing, Aaron I think, he walks over to her bed and shakes her.

"Aph, you need to get up" he says

"Ugh why, it's not morning yet" she replies rubbing her eyes

"Yes it is, breakfast is in the kitchen. Do you want me to bring it up?" Aaron asks

"You don't have to do that" Aph says smiling

"But I want to, I'll be back in a few minutes" Aaron says walking out

When he does I knock on the window. Aphmau looks up at me shocked but I slip into her room.

"What are you doing here?" She asks jumping on me for a hug

I wrap my arms around her and take in this moment. I've missed her so much.

"Well I wanted to come see you, I haven't seen you for ages" I say

"I know, I really miss all of you" Aph sighs "I wish I could be back home but I have a few things I still need to finish"

I sit down on the bed with her next to me and I ask her what she means.

"Well you know Garte?" She explains "He has been 'bullying' everyone an it won't stop until I can pit him in his place. Ivy is also a threat"

"Wow that's harsh, I'll come by a bit more often so you aren't so lonely" I reply

Aaron's P.O.V.

I'm standing outside Aph's door when I hear her talking to someone. They say that they will come by because she is lonely. I can't believe it, Aphmau feels lonely?

"I'm not lonely, I have a few friends here" Aph says, I let out a smile "Like Aaron, A new friend called Cloud, Garroth and his brothers, Laurance and even Jeffory and I are friends"

I'm so glad, I was really worried that she was upset and didn't want to be with me at all. Not that I've asked her out yet but I still wan got know I have a chance, I look down at Aph's food and make sure it's perfect.

Then I knock on the door giving whoever is in there a chance to hide

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Then I knock on the door giving whoever is in there a chance to hide. I hear a bit of whispering.

"Come in" Aph says and I listen to her

Inside Aphmau is sitting on her bed looking innocent, I could almost forget that. she was talking to someone when she gives me that innocent look.

"I have your breakfast" I say "Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, I guess you heard" she sighs "Ross, one of my friends. He came or visit me buput now he is gone"

"Did you really mean that? What you said about not feeling lonely" I ask

"Of course I did, I sometimes feel lonely but I know I'm not alone, I have you" she says hugging me

She takes the breakfast tray from me and sets it down on the bed. While she is eating we talk, she explains to me who Ross is, he is her best friend and he is one of the guys she has been with since she was so young.

"We've been together for ages" Aph says "It's kind of hard to be away from him"

I feel like I want to just hug her, I never really looked at things deeply from her point of view. I've made sure that I am making her time here easy so she isn't to sad or depressed but I don't know the full story. She has been split up from people she has known since she was like 3 and a few people who are so important to her life. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her hair lightly so she doesn't feel it.

"Really I'm alright. I know I'll see them again" she giggles hugging me back

I think she really appreciates being there for her but I'm just glad I can. At least I'm holding her now and I won't ever let anything happen to her.

A Thief In Phoenix DropWhere stories live. Discover now