Chapter Three

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Kevin Norris. Kevin Norris. Kevin Norris.

The name kept on repeating itself in my head. But it couldn't be! Kevin Norris was about the most average guy you'd ever meet. Of course if you ignore the fact that he is probably the hottest guy on the entire freakin' planet. I had never really noticed him, though, until Jenna started flirting with him.

That was the worst part, though! It's almost like my sister was flirting with the devil! The thing that gave him (or it) away was the toothy grin. To any other girl, getting a glimpse of that grin was like going to heaven. But for me it was the smile of a killer, a monster, a...


The word flashed before my eyes in a split second. Aluidah? What did it mean? In the past few months many words had been whispered to me. Words that I did not understand, or at least didn't want to understand. But this word was stronger. It meant something to me. I knew that the word was the word I had been needing to describe Kevin. If only these words popped up in English instead of... well how the hell should I know!?

The next thing I knew I was at my desk in English class whipping out my notebook. In it were lists of words I had seen in my dreams. I added Aluidah to my list of words. One of my other favorites was Varius. I don't know why but it had a certain ring to it. Now, whenever I got angry I found myself yelling it.

The bell rang and I snapped back into reality. Mr. Anderson, my English teacher, was passing out a quiz from last Friday. English would have been my favorite class if it weren't for the fact that Jenna wasn't in it with me. Even though Jenna was an A plus student, she had attitude and Mr. Anderson was known for not being able to tolerate students with a backbone. So I guess the teachers did a good job for not putting her in this class.

Mr. Anderson finally reached my desk. There was a disappointed look on his face. He put the paper on my desk and said, "Come see after school Ms. Strong.” I looked down at the paper and saw a huge D+. My heart almost stopped beating. This was my first failing grade since 5th grade!

Ever since I started having my dreams most of my grades had dropped down into the high B's. That I could take since I was taking mostly A.P. classes, but a D? I thought I was about to jump off a cliff! That lowered my grade to a C in English.

Suddenly I found myself muttering the word Varius. The boy sitting next to me (I never really bothered to know his name) gave me an odd expression and scooted his desk two inches away from mine. I blushed out of embarrassment and buried my face in our assigned book.

After about 40 minutes of reading an extremely boring book, the bell rang. Finally! Lunch! I thought. But then I remembered the huge D+. I sighed and walked over to Mr. Anderson's desk.  "I want to talk about your grades Katherine."

I felt like yelling, "Really?! I totally didn't know that!" right into his face. Instead I held my tongue and just said, “I know."

"Lately your grades have been getting lower in my class. From what I've heard, they have been getting lower in all of your classes. Am I wrong?" Well somebody's been doing some research.

"No, sir," I said with my head down.

Suddenly he sounded very concerned for me, but I could tell he wasn't sincere. "Does it have anything to do with things happening at home?"

Suddenly I felt offended. But what was I suppose to tell him? That I was having scary nightmares about my sister getting eaten by monsters and that I was seeing strange words in my head? He would send me straight to the counselor's office!

"No everything is fine at home. I just haven't been getting enough sleep is all."

Mr. Anderson gave me one last look then said, "Well, okay then. I expect you to be one of my top students again in no time. You can leave now."

I left the classroom without glancing back. Thank god it was lunch. Now I could talk to Jenna. But when I entered the lunch room Jenna was engrossed in a conversation with Kevin Norris. I froze. Just staring at him. A chill went down my spine and suddenly I was paralyzed with fear.

As though he could smell my fear from all the way across the lunch room, he turned to look at me. He just... stared. All my senses were yelling at me to run but I couldn't. I was frozen as ice. Then, he smiled at me. But it wasn't a normal smile. Not at all. All of his teeth were razor sharp, they gleamed in the florescent lights.

I dropped my lunch tray and bolted out of the lunch room as fast as my feet could take me. I ran and ran until I found myself hiding behind Jenna's old silver Lexus in the front of the school.

Aluidah! Aluidah! Aluidah! Aluidah! Aluidah!

The words repeated themselves over and over again in my head. I covered both of my ears with my hands hoping it would stop the words from being heard then screamed, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" at the top of my lungs. I was rocking myself back and forth when I heard a shuffle by the hood of the car. I saw Jenna staring at me with a mask of worry on her face.

"Kate? Are you okay?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't.

"Kate?", Jenna asked again.

But the only thing I could hear was the words in my head.

Aluidah! Aluidah! Aluidah!


Hello everybody!xD

As you know this book is written by two people, not one. Now that you sort of have a feel for the characters, I would like to tell you how Presley and I work together. When we first started coming up with ideas for the book, we knew we wanted to have two main characters instead of just one. So we ended up coming up with the Strong sisters.

I (Abby Lee ) write the chapters on Kate, while Presley writes the chapters on Jenna. So in a way you really are reading about two different people!

So enjoy the rest of the book! (:

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