Chapter Eleven

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I was far too fearful to look behind me. Instead my wide eyes were fixed on Kate and only Kate. She was scared too. I could see it in her deep blue eyes. What she did next both confused me and surprised me. She took the chain of the silver necklace that read my name in her hand, and yanked it off her neck. 

When Kevin's footsteps grew nearer, she hid it behind her back. I watched her every move, that I knew to be quick, but my new eyes caught every detail of it without any trouble. My own body was still facing away from him, but I could sense him standing behind me, hear his breathing that was ragged and steady at once.

It was when he said, "Oh Jenna. What did I do wrong?", that I faced him. His black hair was messy, his eyes were the color of freshly spilled blood. "Why would you run, Jennifer? I love you." His voice sounded demented, and it wavered slightly. He sounded like a crazy person you would see in a scary movie. His eyes held my own.

He walked over to me until his face was inches away from mine. He looked deep into my eyes. "You're eyes have always been beautiful, but now.... they are amazing. Just like mine, see?" He widened his already huge eyes so I could observe the similarities. I didn't know what to do. When I had broken out of wherever it is I was, Kevin wasn't standing in my way like I thought we would be. I had simply ran home, and thought he wouldn't follow me.

I don't know how I could have been that stupid to think that. I didn't know what to do. Kevin seemed to be anticipating something. Then I saw a flash of something shiny, and the greatest pain I had ever felt erupted in my stomach. I screamed out in agony, but managed not to fall.

I looked down and saw a long gleaming knife inside of me, the hilt being held in Kevin's hand. I squeezed my eyes shut, and he twisted the knife sideways. His hand was on my shoulder, and he pulled on it to get the knife deeper into me. This time the pain was too much and I fell on the floor. I heard Kate gasp.

Then she stepped in front of me. I wanted to scream at her, "No Kate. Don't go near him. He'll hurt you." But the pain was too much for me, and my voice refused to come to me. I heard Kate say, "Get away from my sister."

Kevin only laughed. Through my agony I managed to roll over onto my back, so I could see everything that was happening. Kevin stepped closer to her, and I saw Kate step back nervously. She gripped the necklace in her hand tighter, and she took a step forward. She repeated herself, "Leave her alone."

"Step back, little witch. You can do nothing now." Kevin tried to step closer to me, but Kate stepped aside and blocked his path. Kevin was obviously getting really annoyed. He growled deeply and menacingly. Kate held her ground though.

That's when Kevin swung his arm at her and knocked her aside. I wanted to get up and protect her, but I simply couldn't. Kevin took another step toward me, but suddenly Kate was back again. I was amazed at her determination. I had never seen her like this, ever. He tried to swing at her again, but this time she was ready. Even though he was amazingly fast, she manged to step out of the way beforehand.

While he was still in shock, she pressed the silver necklace against the right side of his face. He screamed in agony and steam rose off of the skin where the silver touched. She screamed, "Varius Aluidah!" at the top of her lungs.

As she said it, her eyes caught my attention. They weren't dark-blue anymore, but a magnificent deep shade of purple, and they glowed. Suddenly his face wasn't just steaming. It was melting, only where the chain touched his skin.

She held it against his face for just a little while, but it was so bewildering it felt like a lot longer. Then her eyes ceased to glow, and they returned to their normal color. Kevin was clutching his face, and yelling in pure pain. 'Good,' I thought, 'Now you know what I'm feeling.'

Kate stood back and stared at Kevin, as if she couldn't believe what she had just done. My eyes were glued to Kevin, as he screamed and stumbled. Then he said in a low bitter voice, "You little bitch. You will learn soon enough."

Kate stared. "What are you talking about?" she asked in a demanding tone,

He licked his lips that were in the shape of a grin even though we was clearly in pain. "Oh, so you mean to tell me the witch who can supposedly tell the future, doesn't know of the Prophecy?"

Kate looked bewildered. "What prophecy?"

"Oh so she doesn't know?" He laughed. "The one stating that two sisters would end the wicked one or some crap. It doesn't matter though" He saw the confused look on Kate's face and added, "I am certain it means the two of you, but it does not make a difference. Jenna shall be mine soon anyways," he was clutching his face the whole time while saying this.

He looked at me then. He grinned and said, "Trust me." He turned back to Kate. "And don't believe this will get rid of me for good. I will be back with more to get my lovely Jenna back. And also for revenge for this-" He pointed to his face.

It was absolutely horrifying. His skin was melting where the necklace touched him. There was a long steaming mark in the shape of a chain going across the right side of his face, across his eye. He took one last look at me and ran with incredible speed to the doorway.

Then he looked to me and grinned. "I will be back. When the moon rises."

He fled off, into the night.

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