Chapter Ten

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I dreamed of a woman. She was beautiful. She had hair as dark as the night sky except for hints of red here and there, which made it look almost auburn in the light. Her skin was fair and flawless, it even had some what of a mysterious radiance to it. But most beautiful of all were her eyes. They were a bright shade of violet, sometimes it even looked as if they were glowing, especially when she whispered the spells. However, I must say that they gave her quite an unnatural and dangerous demeanor. Her presence was powerful, too. It was almost like she was surrounded by some sort of vortex that made you always want to be around her.

I dreamed of her laughing, crying, and whispering mystical words that had powerful meaning. At one point in the dream I had been watching her talk to a young man in a living room that I didn't really recognize.

The man's back was turned to me so I couldn't get a good look at his face, but I knew he was tall, had straight jet-black hair, and lightly tanned skin. I also noticed that he was holding the beautiful women's hands, and was trying to comfort her, but she kept on pushing him away and saying, "No. No, I cant stay here any longer. It's too dangerous."

Her eyes would be filled with sorrow when he would try to plead with her. I think he was trying to convince her to stay, but she wouldn't listen. The only time I really heard his voice was when he said, "You can't leave. This is my child too, not just yours. I want him to be able to grow up in a normal family and live a good life. If you leave you will be hurting this child's future." It was odd though, because his voice sounded very familiar.

Then, with tears in her eyes, she got up and walked away while saying, "I already told you, it's a girl. I saw it in my dreams."

Her body was small and petite, but that didn't stop her from looking stronger then any woman I had ever seen. I noticed that she had a small round shape to her belly. I looked up at her face. I had been standing by the door in the front of the room, and now she was walking closer and closer to me. As she got closer, her face became more clear. She had nice, soft features. In fact, she looked a lot like me. Hmm...that's odd...

And then I was awake.

I wasn't tangled in my sheets, and I wasn't cold and sweating either. In fact, I felt quite rested.

I sat up in my bed letting out a loud yawn and stretching my arms. Morning light was flowing through my bedroom window and the smell of coffee was in the air. I looked at the clock. It was... wait... was that right? I grabbed my clock and pulled it closer to my face. It was three o' clock in the afternoon! I had practically wasted my entire Saturday! Why didn't Jenna wake me up?!

And then I remembered. The same pain that I had felt last night returned to my chest. I had almost forgotten...

Jenna can't wake you up because she's being held captive by a psychotic werewolf that is probably stealing her mortality at this very moment, you idiot! Suddenly I was angry at myself. How could I forget something like that?! All I wanted to do was run and try to save Jenna, but the voice/conscience/thing kept on telling me not to!

I sighed and curled back up into a ball when the smell of coffee hit me again. I had forgotten that Dad and Olivia were here.

I forced myself out of bed, put on some slippers, and trudged down the hallway and into the kitchen. But nobody was in there. Maybe they were in the living room. I walked across the hall into the living room but nobody was in there.

Well I guess it made sense why my dad wasn't here, he was usually working on the weekends, but what about Olivia?

I walked back into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. It read this:

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