Chapter Eight

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I think the thing that hurts the most is knowing this is what my sister had been trying to warn me of. I'm certain of it now, as I lie bloody and disabled in who-knows-where. He didn't even bother cleaning off the blood. I taste it in my mouth, feel it sticking to my skin.

But more than anything else, I feel changing. It doesn't even make sense to me, but it's true. At times, I feel sharp stabs of pain all over my body. Other times, I feel my blood boiling in my veins, feel my temperature rising. Most times, all of it at once.  I do not know how long I have been here, but I'm not sure about anything anymore. The last memory I have that I am certain of was Kevin's eyes turning red, and his teeth turning sharp, and attacking me.

Anything after that, feels like some sort of twisted, demented, nightmare. Sometimes, even though I can't see him, I know he is there with me. I can't hear what he's saying, but I know he is talking to me. Whenever he is there, I feel a burning sensation of hate. Hate for doing this to me. Some kind of monster inside of me wants to tear him apart, but I don't have the strength to move.

Even though I can barely move, somewhere inside I feel the strength growing day by day. Every time my blood boils, or I feel pain, I feel myself getting stronger. Soon, I would be able to move. Soon after, I would escape from wherever I am. But strength comes to me slowly, and I know it won't be soon.

When I can think, I always think of Kate. Kate who had been acting so strangely and now I know why. Kate, who I considered the one who I had to protect. Now I wish someone was there to protect me that night, however long ago that might have been.

I hear the door creak open slightly, and he comes in. Except almost every time he does come in, he does not look normal. I always hear the thud of paws on the ground, or other times I can just sense that he's there. But this time he looked just as he had that night on the beach, minus the red eyes and sharp teeth.

He gets down on his knees, and his face is within three feet of mine. I open my eyes fully now, and do my best to glare at him. He did a little tsk-tsk noise. "I know it hurts, Jenna. But it will all be over soon. And when it is, you will really be mine."

I actually heard him clearly this time. More than clearly. I must be getting gaining strength faster than I thought. "Nod if you can hear me," he ordered. But I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was scared of him.

But then his eyes flashed red, and I realized I should just do what he says. I nodded my head very, very slightly, sending pain through my neck. I realized this is the only time I could remember moving since the.... accident. He seemed to see my small nod, and looked pretty satisfied, which only fueled my anger more.

"Do you know what I am, Jenna?"

Honestly, not really. I have my suspicions, but none have any proof to back them up. Obviously he wasn't human though. I somehow tapped into the strength to shake my head a little bit.

"Oh, but you do," he said, smiling. "You'll have some time to think about it before we leave. Don't worry too much Jenna, you'll be mine soon."

He walked out of the room again, and closed the door. Darkness enveloped me once again, and I was left alone to my pain and thoughts. Before we leave? Where exactly did this asshole think he was taking me? And how the hell would I know what he is? Many ideas came to mind, but they were all too terrible to think about for too long.

Being able to think was a lot worse than I thought it would be. It gave me time to think about what he was going to do to me when I was 'his'. What did he mean by that anyways? I was going to be his prisoner, or slave? The thought made me shudder a little bit. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt as I was expecting it to.

I felt the now-familiar surge of heat course through my body again. Along with some pain all through my body. I was grateful for it now, though. Whenever it happens, which is frequently, I feel a little bit of strength being restored. No, restored isn't the right word. More like added.

I have this feeling that when I'm all better, which is soon if what Kevin said is true, I'll be more than strong. Strong enough to break out of this place, wherever it is. I also noticed Kevin left some of his scent behind. I don't know how I was able to smell that, but it only lasted a moment.

I also noticed it was odd how I was able to hear the door creak. Whenever I thought he came in, I wasn't able to hear anything, barely even his own words. Looks like my hearing was getting better too. But my thoughts turned to the question I wanted to stay clear of.

Why is no one coming to help me? I do not know how long I have been here, but it must have been days if not weeks. Someone was bound to notice my absence. Then again, how would they know where I was? Surely the police could track me down. But maybe not. I thought about how much Kate would be worrying about me. How much she would be scared for me.

Oh, Kate. I'm sorry I can't be by your side right now, I thought, as if she could hear me. For a long time, my thoughts were on Kate. Then, I felt a very, very strong heat surge. My strength flooded into me as if someone was feeding it to me through a tube. I moved my fingers, no problem and no pain. I moved my arms up and down, and it was the same way.

I sat up in what I could now see was a small flat bed. Besides from the dizziness in my head, no pain. I slid out of bed, and my bare feet touched the cold floor. I stood up fully, feeling powerful. All of a sudden there was a sharp piercing pain on my tongue.

I realized it was my teeth. I felt they were sharp as I ran my tongue over them. I found the light switch when I smoothed my hands over the walls. I flipped the light and saw the room I was in. It's small with no furniture except the small bed I was laying on, and a mirror propped up against a wall. The bed is bloody. I examined myself in the mirror.

My hair is a complete rat's nest, and most of it was sticking to my face with blood. I looked terrible. But that's not what got me. It was my eyes. They were bright red, with slitted pupils. I smiled at my reflection, even though somewhere deep inside I was terrified at what I was seeing. My teeth were sharp, especially my canine teeth.

Watch out, Kevin.

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