Chapter One

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I always know when I'm dreaming, but that doesn't stop the dream from being vivid. I had been having these dreams for the past few months now and they just won't go away. Sometimes I just see odd symbols flash before my eyes or I hear voices speaking in a foreign tongue. However, the past few nights I've had a new dream. I must say it was the most haunting one of all because of one thing that the others didn't have, my sister, Jenna.

It would all start with Jenna running on the sandy beach with the full moon shining brightly in the night sky, giving everything caught by its light an odd shine. It made Jenna's long, dirty-blonde hair look almost silver as it flowed behind her. Though, there was no mistaking the fear in her eyes. Something was chasing my sister.

Suddenly I would be staring at the most sinister creature, or man. I cannot tell which one. He/it would have the most horrible glowing red eyes. It would pant as it chased my sister. Its clawed hand would reach for my Jenna and catch her by the arm, making her tumble to the ground. Then, it would smile, showing its razor sharp teeth. My sister would scream and I would wake from the dream.

That is what I have been waking to for the past six nights. My sisters shrill scream. I hate it. I want the dream to go away but it is stubborn and keeps on repeating itself until the point that I'm afraid to go to sleep at night. Last night was no exception.

I crawled out of my bed, utterly exhausted. I opened my door and silently tip-toed across the hallway into Jenna's room. I don't know why but I felt the need to make sure she was in her bed. She was sleeping soundly on her side. Unlike me, she was probably dreaming good dreams because there was a faint smile on her face.

This was when Jennifer looked her most beautiful, when she was sleeping. There was no sign of worry on her face, only peaceful slumber. Though, her sharp, angular features still added a sense of fierceness to her. Her defined features had always made her look much more mature than me with my soft, delicate features. In my mind Jenna had always been the superior sibling.

Being my half sibling (we have the same father but different mothers) she's almost four months older than me. She's two inches taller than me (she is 5'7, you do the math). She is only sixteen and has double D's while I'm stuck with C's. I get A's and she gets A pluses. She got to be the hot, curvy, tall, nice, social blonde. And I got to be . . . well . . . me.

I left Jenna's bedroom, walked down the hallway and turned left into the bathroom. I turned the shower on but made sure the water wasn't hot. I prefer cold showers. I stripped off my pajamas and stepped into the shower, letting the cold water soak my skin. I scrubbed down my body until my skin was raw and red. I brushed my teeth, ran a brush through my long hair, which went all the way to the small of my back, wrapped myself in a towel, and then stepped out of the bathroom. I had woken up about an hour early because of my nightmares. It was about 5:45. Jenna would be up in about fifteen minutes.

I walked into my bedroom and threw on some jeans, flats, and a cute shirt with which I wore a thick, black belt. I quickly braided my hair, letting two loose curls fall to the sides of my face. Then, I applied a small amount of makeup on, including cover up for the dark circles under my eyes. Before I left the room I sprayed on a few squirts of perfume.

When I walked out of my bedroom, I immediately smelled something putrid coming from the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen the first words I said were, "What is that smell?"

My father laughed. "Your sister is trying to cook breakfast again."

“Again? Didn't she learn never to do that again when she gave you food poisoning?" I said, laughing afterward.

Jenna turned around, obviously annoyed. "Hey! It wasn't that bad! “she said, scolding me.

"Yes. It was," I said smiling.

Jenna rolled her eyes at me and turned around, trying to hide her smile. "Whatever,” she said.

Olivia, our stepmother, was frantic when she stormed into the kitchen. "Has anyone seen my earrings?! " she yelled.

Jenna turned around with an irritated look on her face. She always looked irritated when Olivia was around. When we were twelve our father had married Olivia and I really didn't mind. I was happy for him, and Olivia was a nice person . . . or at least she was nice to me. Ever since the day Olivia moved in, her and Jenna were at each other’s throats.

"Good god, take a chill pill, lady. You don't have to come in yelling at everybody. Did you try looking on the counter where you always leave your earrings for me to pick up?" said Jenna.

Olivia gave Jenna a sour look. "This is no time for your snide remarks, Jennifer. I'm fed up with your attitude. You are always defiant and rude to your father and me. Next time you say something like that I'm putting you on restriction. Is that clear, young lady?"

Jenna threw the frying pan in the sink, whipped around, and grabbed her backpack. "Let's go, Kate. We don't want to be late for school." She walked right past Olivia, not even sparing her a glance. I grabbed my backpack and quickly followed Jenna out the door.

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