Chapter Nine

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I fumbled to get the keys into the ignition. Why weren't they going in?! This was about the tenth time I had dropped them.

Thankfully, there were two sets of keys to the car. Though, I didn't really use mine much because I was a horrible driver. I had passed my driver's test, but that was just pure luck. So maybe that's why this car was considered Jenna's more than mine, but I didn't really care. It was just a car, and right now a car was the least of my worries.

Finally, I got the car going. However, as I backed out of the parking lot I unsuccessfully rammed into another car, causing it's alarm to go off.

"Great...” I muttered to myself. But I didn't care, I just needed to get out of here, fast.

I got onto the road, zooming past all of the other cars. Boy, was I speeding.

First stop, Kevin's house.

I was reaching into the dashboard to get my pepper spray when suddenly my vision went blank.

I saw Jenna standing in the kitchen, covered in blood. 

She will come to you. She will come to-

The sound of screeching tires and honking horns snapped me back into reality. During the vision I had turned into the wrong lane, and now a car was heading right for me.

Not knowing what to do, I swerved off the road. The other cars tires screeched to a stop. I didn't even bother with the angry driver of the other car that was now out of his car and cursing at me. I just slammed down on the gas pedal and was off.

So, I thought. I guess I don't have to go to Kevin's? That's what the voices were telling me and recently I had learned to trust my instincts, especially with this whole Kevin ordeal.

I realized then that I was no longer afraid. I was driving smoothly down the highway, feeling totally and completely... calm...

I made a U-turn and started heading the direction to my house.

What the hell was wrong with me?! I should be totally freaking out right now! My sister was about to become a werewolf and I was calm?!

No, what you should be feeling is guilty, I told myself.

It was true, though. I should have warned Jenna instead of running away every time I saw Kevin like I was some coward. But that's what I was, wasn't it? A coward? I had been one my entire life. All I did was run away and let Jenna deal with the problem. And now I was paying for it.

Suddenly, all the times I had hid cowardly behind Jenna flashed through my mind. The time in sixth grade when some stupid girls were making fun of me because I was what they called a “teacher’s pet " and Jenna had to come and tell them to back off or else she would punch them in the face. The first time (and the last) I had ever been too the principal’s office in second grade for passing around a note that said, "Mrs. Malecer is an ugly butt and has gross wrinkles." Jenna had taken the blame and I was let off the hook. The time Olivia was yelling at me for breaking one of my father's dishes and Jenna had gotten in her face and told her that she had no right to yell at me because I was not her daughter and she was not a part of our family. Of course afterwards I went and apologized to Olivia and told her that next I would be more careful.

Hatred for myself and the way I had acted surged through me. I was so stupid! If I am ever planning on being my own person, I first needed to grow some-

I was in my driveway; that was fast...

I got out of the car and was getting ready to bolt into the apartment until I realized that I wasn't in a hurry. Or was I?

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