Chapter Two

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The song has been stuck in my head ever since I woke up. It rang through my head now as I stormed out of the kitchen, through the door, and as I got in the driver seat of my car. Kate speed walked to catch up with me, huffing with frustration. I ignored her and waited for her to get in the passenger seat.

All that I was really thinking was, get out of my head you stupid song! But Kate seemed to think I was still frustrated over the whole Olivia thing. "It's okay, Jenna. She's just grouchy in the morning."

I almost literally laughed out loud. I suppressed my anger because of who I was talking to. "Yeah I know. Just . . . Ggggrrr!"

This time she did laugh. I backed out of the driveway, and turned on the radio. I was hoping I could get that song out of my head, but nothing seems to be going my way this morning.

My hearts a stereo . . . It beats for you so listen close . . . Hear my thought in every note . . .

The same song that I had been trying to get out of my head. Perfect, just perfect. I quickly flipped it to another station. "Hey," Kate protested "I like that song!"

"Sorry, but that song has been stuck in my head all day."

I looked over at my best friend in the entire world, that also shared half of my DNA. You can tell she tried to cover it with makeup, but you could still see the dark circles under her eyes. She spoke with confidence, but she couldn't mask the lost in thought expression.

She has been like this for months, and I'm starting to worry. I don't know what's wrong, but she refuses to talk about it. She snapped back to reality when a song came on the radio. "Ooh, ooh!" she shouted excitedly. She turned it up, so the whole world could hear it out of the open sunroof.

Summer after high school, when we first met. We'd make out in your Mustang, to Radiohead. And on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos.

She sang along loudly, which I was glad to see. I ought to play this song more often when she was around. Sadly, View Point High wasn't far from our apartment, so the ride wasn't long. I pulled into the parking lot, after driving for about ten minutes. I saw all my so called peers stare at me as I closed the door. I am used to it by now, though.

Kate's long dark brown hair bounced a little in her braid as she hopped out of the car. Her hair had a pretty red shine in the sunlight. We met up at the other side of the car, her deep sapphire eyes, which matched mine, gave it away that she got over the brief distraction.

Those eyes are the only thing we have in common, looks wise. They match our dad's, which is another rare thing we share. Dad insists Kate looks exactly like her mother, and that I look like mine. Whatever. It doesn't bother me that we have different mothers; she'll always be my sister.

I ignored the whistle that some random guy gave rather me or my sister, as we made our way over to first period. It was probably towards me. I don't say that because I think I'm more attractive than my sister, just she is so soft looking, guys usually aren't that open with her.

School, or prison as I like to call it, is the thing I dread all weekend. I mean seriously, seven hours of pure boring... ness. If that's a word. Oh, whatever, the point is, I hate school. Like seriously hate school. Kate hates it too, just doesn't complain too much.

She insists if we do good, we can get out of this hell-hole faster. She has a good point, but still. At least you get to see friends. But that doesn't matter to me that much, because I don't really hang out with friends during school. I usually hang with Kate, since we have a lot of classes together. Sometimes, I'll leave her side for a brief period of time, to go talk with other friends, but I always end up returning to her side.

Great! Now the words of The One That Got Away are in my head! I don't remember laying down my head, or even sitting down at my desk, but soon I hear the brain rattling voice of Ms. Bangle ringing through my skull. "Ms. Strong! Will you wake up, and stop humming?! Maybe pay attention for once, perhaps?!"

It was then that I noticed my head was on my desk and I was drifting off, humming to the tune to the song. I slowly raised my head, and looked at her with the best bored expression I could muster. That irritated the crap out of her. "Yeah. Right when you pull that tampon out of your ass."

I didn't mean to say it, really I didn't. Out loud at least. I swore I just mumbled under my breath, but obviously I didn't, because of the snickers and gasps from the front row. And I was all the way at the back of the room! Her expression on her face was all that it took to make up for the trouble I was probably going to get into.

I had to stifle a laugh myself, which didn't do much to improve her mood. "P-principal’s office R-right now, Ms. Strong!" she spat out. Like, literally spat out. Some of it landed on a girl I think is named Sarah's desk.

I scooted out my chair out, as obnoxious and loud as possible. I scooped up my bright blue backpack, and left the room. Whatever. Stupid Ms. Bangle. It's no wonder she's only a Ms. Bangle. Which sane man would even want to get near that lumpy mixture of wrinkles, bright red lipstick, three cans of hairspray, and Botox? No one, that's who!

Before I knew it, I heard the bell, and everyone emerged from their classrooms. I immediately stopped in my tracks when I saw Kevin. Oh God, Kevin. Six and a half feet tall of boy toy. Messy black hair, piercing gray eyes, and a smile he only showed off for me. We aren't together or anything, but we've been flirting for months, claiming we're only friends. But I know he thinks of us the same way I do. He made his way towards me, and I totally forgot about the principal’s office.

Black T-shirt, with gray skinny jeans, and a black beanie. But that would mean nothing to me without the hot body and playful grin that comes with it. "Hey," was all he said.

"Hey," I responded, trying to play it cool.

"Which class are you going to next?"

"Well, actually I'm going to the principal’s office," I admitted. "I told Ms. Bangle to take the tampon out of her... Well you know."

A grin was all he gave me, but that's fine too. Just then, I heard Kate behind me. "Hey, Jenna. What's up? I just heard that you-"

She stopped there. I turned around to see her shocked facial expression. A moment later, she slowly walked to my side. "Oh, hey Kate."

"Hey... Jenna." She had this weird look on her face, turning to Kevin. "Hey Kevin," she said.

"Hey Kate," he said slyly. "Well, I guess I gotta go to class now," he said over his shoulder as he walked away. "Seeya ‘round Jenna."

I didn't bother responding because of how far away he was already. I turned to Kate. "So...What were you saying?"

"Oh nothing, nothing." She had that far away expression again. I excused it, telling myself there was no Katy Perry to save me now. Kate walked me to the principal’s office, and along the way, I could have sworn I heard her mumble under her breath something along the lines of, "The same one from my dream."

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