Chapter Twelve

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As soon as Kevin left the house I ran to where Jenna lay on the kitchen floor. She looked horrible. Blood was gushing from the wound that Kevin had given her. I had finally gotten my sister back only to have her taken away from me again.

No, I cant let this happen...

I shook Jenna. "JEN! Jenna, open your eyes! Please!", I pleaded desperately. My heart was beating a million miles per hour and all I could do was sob and scream for my sister to give me one response so I knew that she was still with me.


Her eyes fluttered open. "Kate?", she responded weakly.

"Yes Jenna, I'm right here," I said. The sorrow was clear in my voice as I said it. Tears were beginning to fall from my eyes.

"It hurts," she said, her voice, I could tell, was growing fainter by the minute.

"I know, and I'm going to get you help. Just don't close your eyes again. Okay?"

She nodding weakly. I stared into her eyes for a moment and she stared back. I was glad to see that hers were blue again, instead of crimson red.

I ran to the phone and dialed 911.


I sat in the waiting room at the hospital.

I had explained to the paramedics how Jenna and I had been cooking in the kitchen when Jenna clumsily tripped over herself and fell. Unfortunately she had been holding a knife at the same time that she fell and she stabbed herself in the stomach. To make the story a little more believable, with the five minutes I had before the paramedics came I threw food and cutting boards on the kitchen counters. I rinsed any blood of of Jenna's face with a wet washcloth (it just didn't make any sense for it to be there if it were a cooking accident). I smeared her blood on one of the meat knives just in case they asked which knife she fell on. But I spent most of my time trying to stop the blood flowing from her stomach.

I remember kneeling beside her and stroking her hair comfortingly as I listened to the operator on the other line giving me instructions on how to stop the blood flow. When the paramedics finally came they quickly took Jenna from the kitchen and loaded her on the gurney. They were talking so fast that I couldn't even understand them. 

"I-I- can I at l-least ride on the ambulance with h-her to the h-hospital?", I asked sobbing, tears streaming down my face.

The man looked at me sympathetically and said, "Sorry, kid. It would just be too much of an inconvenience if you were in the ambulance. But we can give you a ride down to the hospital in one of the firetrucks."

I nodded, not having the energy for an argument and just wanting to do what was best for Jenna.

So here I was sitting and waiting at the hospital. They wouldn't let me see her until they got everything situated. Supposedly she had lost a lot of blood and if they had gotten her to the hospital anytime later, she would have most likely died from blood loss.

My dad and Olivia wouldn't be here for a little while since they were both a couple of hours away but I still couldn't get my dad's panic stricken voice out of my head from when I had called him earlier. I could tell that he was on the verge of tears when I had called him. Just hearing the worry and sorrow in his voice had made me feel guilty. In a way I did blame myself for this. I was the one that let Jenna out of my sight at the party. I was the one that didn't warn her about Kevin or tell her about my dreams. I was the one who let Kevin walk right up to her and stab her. It was all my fault... How would I ever even explain to my parents what happened? What would my dad say if I told him that Jenna was a werewolf and I heard voices in my head? I'm guessing asylum or just lots of therapy classes...

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