Chapter Seven

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The music was booming in my ears. Couples were keeping each other warm by the huge bonfire or making out, while most of the singles were swaying their hips to the beat of the music. This was probably the best party I had ever been to.

At the moment I was sitting in the warm sand watching the sun go down. I had been partying my butt off for the past few hours so I decided that I would take a quick moment to watch the sun go down, then I would get back to the party.

The sky was beginning to turn pink and orange when I heard somebody sit next to me. I turned my head and saw Peter Carson sitting next to me. He was the linebacker for the school football team. He was pretty good at football, but that's not really what he's known for. He's known for his reputation as a total player when it comes to girls. I never really talked to him much except for now and then and he seemed pretty nice.

I arched an eyebrow at him then said suspiciously, "What's goin' on, Pete?"

His white-blonde hair looked gold in the orange sunlight when he smiled at me. "Nothing' much. Just thought I would join you. Want a beer?"

I saw that he had two unopened beers in his hand. He offered the one in his right hand to me.

"Yeah, sure," I said casually as he opened it for me.

After that we just... talked. He was pretty good at it too. We laughed at each other’s jokes, made fun of teachers, talked about friends, things we liked to do. It was just like it would be talking to any other person. Nothing much. But as the conversation progressed I began to realize that he was flirting with me. I'm mean, it was Peter Carson. He could have any other girl, so why on god's earth was he flirting with me?

At one point, I saw him begin to reach for my hand, but I quickly got up and said, "I think I'm gonna go back to the bonfire before it gets completely dark."

But he was being persistent. "Good idea. I'll come with you." He flashed me another smile then got up and walked with me.

I was almost to the bonfire where I was planning to attempt seeking refuge in Jenna when he stopped me and said, "This song is awesome! Wanna dance? "

I was about to object when he suddenly pulled me into the crowd of dancers and pulled me closer to him. "Come on, dance!", he told me, having to shout over the loud music. Finally I gave into the beat of the music and began to sway my hips. What harm could it possibly do? Besides I was actually having a pretty good time.

I got carried away with Peter and the music and before I knew it, it was completely dark outside. The full moon was shining down on... wait ...the full moon?

Suddenly a shiver went down my spine.

I stopped dancing and looked up at Peter. "What's wrong?” he asked.

"Have you seen Jenna recently?” I asked my voice full of worry.

Pete gave me a puzzled look. "Well . . .yeah. A few hours ago I saw her walk off with Kevin-"


I didn't even wait for him to finish. I ran as fast as I could, pushing my way through the crowd until I finally stumbled out into open sand. But I didn't stop running there. I needed to get to my sister.

I ran until I could no longer see the bonfire, until my only source of light was the moon, until I was gasping for breath and could run no longer. But my sister was nowhere in sight. Maybe it was just too late... no. I couldn't lose hope. Not right now.

I took another deep breath of air and began to run again.  I was running when I saw something gleam in the corner of my eye. I stopped abruptly.

At first it seemed to be a small pool of water, but as I got closer it took on a red shine in the moonlight.


Blood. It was a pool of blood. My sister’s blood. I don't know how I knew it was, I just did.

I fell to my knees in front of the pool of crimson.

No. It can't be. Jenna can't be dead.

I remembered the word's Kevin had told me in my nightmare...

When the moon rises, she will be mine...

I lied down in the soft, cool sand. It didn't seem real, anything. Not my sister's death, not Kevin, not even the party. It's like reality was just some distant dream.

I stared up at the sky, just gazing at the stars. Those didn't seem real either. It's like my entire world had just stopped and was frozen like I had been when Jenna had told me that she was going to the party with Kevin. Had that even been real? I'm not sure.

The next thing I knew, I was asleep, dreaming.

I dreamed that Jenna was alive. No. She really was alive. I could tell when I was dreaming. But this wasn't a dream. It was some sort of vision. She was sleeping in a small bed. She looked almost peaceful, if it weren't for the fact that her entire body was soaked in blood. The vision was sort of hazy and instead of being sort of like I was there, in that room, it was more like a picture would flash before my eyes.

The next one I saw had Kevin standing over her. It looked almost like he was stroking her hair... weird.

Then, came the worst one. Kevin was gone and replaced by a wolf with blood red eyes. The wolf was biting Jenna, tearing at her flesh.

My eyes flashed open. I stood up as fast as I could. Jenna was still alive. But now I did not fear for my sister’s death... I feared for her mortality.





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