Chapter Six

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I don't understand why Kate isn't happy for me. She was disturbingly grim about my good news. But, whatever, I let it pass. After all, that was yesterday. I woke up at nine this morning, excited as ever. In a few hours, we would be at an awesome John Greeley beach party. And even though Kate didn't look too happy for me, I wouldn't want to go without her, and I was glad she was still going.

I took one and a half hours to chill. Watch T.V, check my Facebook, eat breakfast and play a little with Jack, my dog. Well dog isn't really the word for him. He's the tiniest wiener dog anyone has ever seen. He uses the litter box, even. We used to just have Jill, another tiny wiener dog. One day, she ran away and we thought she was gone forever. Until three months later, when she came back. But she was really sick or something, so we took her to the vet. Turns out she wasn't sick. She was pregnant. We named the puppies after fairy tale characters. Like Jack, after his mother Jill.

We ended up giving all the puppies away, except Jack. We loved him far too much. Two months later, Jill died. It was really sad, but we still have Jack to this day. I left the remaining two and a half hours to get ready. I'm the only one that I know that takes two and a half hours to get ready. Well, I take my time, and I have a lot to do. Like, take a shower, pick out some clothes, straighten my hair, do my make up, and some other stuff.

I put on minimum make up when I go to the beach because it's just gonna come off anyways. So I just put on waterproof mascara, and a little blush. I decided on my strapless black bikini. It has a little gold ring in the middle, and on the bottoms, they have little gold beads on the strings. Over that, I put on a white tank top and red jean daisy duke shorts.

I straightened my hair, applied make up, got dressed, put on lotion, slipped on black flip flops, put my hair in a high, messy ponytail, and examined myself in the mirror. This may sound kinda conceited, but I was looking pretty hot. I met up with Kate in the living room. I examined her up and down, head to toe.

You could clearly see her dark blue bikini under her white tank top and jean shorts. Her hair was in its usual braid. She chose dark blue flip flops to match her bikini. The color made her eyes look twice as beautiful. She looks more grown up this way. Weird.

Kate grabbed my keys off the hook for me, and we were going out the door, nearly jumping with excitement. Until of course Olivia had to stick her nose into our business. "Where are you going, girls?"

"A party," Kate said, wanting to get out the door more than me.

"What time will you be back?"

"Well... don't wait up," I grabbed Kate and went out the door before she could respond. I hopped in the car, let it warm up for ten seconds, and backed out of the driveway. Finally! Kate and I smiled at each other, relieved to be out of the house.

It didn't take long to get there. I estimated less than ten minutes. I pulled into a parking space and check the time on my iPhone. 12:30. Good that means we were fashionably late. But not too late.

I quickly spotted John and a couple other friends. All of them were still in their over clothes, so I stayed in mine. Kate and I made our way over to them. When we were half way there, John spotted us and waked his arms, as if I didn't know where they were.

When we got there John surprised me by pulling me into a hug. "Hey, Jenna! Glad you came!"

"Me too," I grinned. He did the same with Kate, and she looked at me and mouthed the word "help." I assumed she was joking though because she laughed when she escaped. It felt like it was about eighty degrees or so. He couldn't have picked a more perfect day.

"Hey, has anyone seen Kevin?" I asked. They all shook their heads. "Oh well," I said.

Almost everyone was there, and when everyone did get there, time passed by quickly. We played some volleyball, went in the water, John even attempted to teach me to surf, which I got over quickly. Then someone busted out the stereo. That's when I was having the most fun. Everyone dancing, having fun, it was pretty great.

It was about four when Kevin got there. At first, I didn't notice him, and I don't think he noticed me either. Then we made eye contact for a long time until he started to come closer. Kate's eyes widened and she shook a little bit. What's wrong with her?

"Come on, Jenna. I have to go to the bathroom," she said, so fast I could barely understand what she was saying. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the bathroom. When we were in there she just stood there. "Well? Aren't you going to go to the bathroom?"

"Oh, uh, yeah!" She disappeared into a stall. I could still hear the faint hum of the music from outside. They were playing my song. La la la la la, you make me feel good! La la la la la.

Why is she taking so long? Finally, she came out. She took more than the necessary time to wash her hands. I'm pretty sure she even washed her hands twice. Finally, she was done. Before she could stall even more, I pushed open the door and bolted out of it, sand feeling warm under my feet. Kate matched my pace, and was soon by my side. "Why are we running?" she shouted.

Honestly I don't know. But I kinda liked it, so I kept it up until I was within feet of Kevin. Evidently time is trying to win some kind of race, because it was already getting dark. How did that happen? Worry dropped when I saw Kevin again. I was by his side, and Kate was still by mine.

That's surprising. I expected her to leave at any minute, but she stayed there. Until she got caught up in a conversation with one of her friends. "Hey, you wanna go for a walk down the beach?" said Kevin.

I couldn't pass that up, so I agreed. At first we just walked silently by each other for quite a while. But then he took my hand in his and we started talking. I'm not even paying attention to what he's saying or what I am at this point. Just glad he was talking to me like this, all alone, all romantic like.

It came to my attention I couldn't hear the music anymore, or even see the bonfire. We were in a very secluded part of the beach, with no one else to be seen. I turned around to tell him we should probably go back, but I lost my breath when I saw him.

Or rather, his eyes. They were blood red, with slitted pupils. He smiled a toothy grin, with sharp teeth. The last thing I heard besides my screams was him saying, "Now you're mine."

And then it was just black.

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