Chapter Thirteen

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When I awoke, I knew instantly I was in the hospital. I was surrounded by everything white. The curtains where white, the sheets, and the hospital gown I had been put in. I looked over to see the startled face of Kate. She looked tired. There were bags under her eyes, but also looked like she had just been shaken out of a deep thought. Or maybe she was just tired.

I was so eager to hug her, that I almost fell off the bed trying to get to her. She bounded forward to catch me, but I was on the ground before she could get to me. I turned so I landed on my hands and knees, but hurt spread through my stomach area where I had been stabbed. I gritted my teeth so I wouldn't cry out.

She looked worried after my fall, but my face split into a huge grin at the sight of her. I pounced on her and trapped her in a bear hug.

"Kate! You're alright! Wait.... what happened? Where's Kevin?"

My grin vanished. The memories of what had happened who-knows-how-long-ago replayed in my mind. Last I had seen Kevin, he was running off into the night. How would Kate know what happened to him? Unless she had seen him since then. The thought of her having another encounter with him made me worried all over again.

"You haven't seen him have you? Oh god Kate, what are we going to do? He didn't hurt you did he-"

"Jenna!" she interrupted. I noticed again how tired she looked. She held me at arms length by my shoulders, forcing me to look her in her eyes.

"It's going to be fine! We'll figure something out... and no, I haven't seen Kevin again. You've been unconscious for several hours. Just calm down and I'll explain everything."

I waited. She told me everything, about how she took me to the hospital and told the doctors it was a kitchen accident, how she had staged the scene at home, and she told me about what happened between her and Olivia back at home. I grinned at that part.

I laughed so hard, I almost choked. In between laughter I said, "The.... look on her face...... must have been..... priceless!"

She tried to smile, but it didn't seem to work. She said softly, "Yeah it was pretty funny. But dad looked so disappointed...."

I stopped laughing and wrapped my arms around her. "He'll get over it."

Her eyes were darting between me and my stomach.

"This may sound awkward, but pull up your hospital gown for a quick sec, okay?"

It was a pretty awkward request, but I knew there was probably some good reason for it. I did as I was asked, and Kate studied my stomach for a minute. When I looked down at myself I realized why. There was still a bad wound there, but I saw that it had healed in the slightest bit already.

I was surprised, but then I remembered why I would heal quicker. Kate looked back up at me and said, "It's great that you can heal quickly now, but what are we going to say to the doctors? How are we supposed to explain how you heal so fast?"

I realized she was right. How would that work? I thought about it for a while, until I just said, "There's nothing we can do. I'll just have to stay here and tell them I'm a quick healer if they ask me about it."

"I guess you're right," Kate said. "I just don't want them running weird tests on you or something."

I looked into her pretty blue eyes that matched mine. I realized that this was the first time she had really said anything to me about what I had become. She knew. But how did she feel about it? I was almost scared to ask. She seemed to know what I was thinking.

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