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Trying to figure out what the directions read, and it was pretty difficult given that Kasey's handwriting is pretty bad, and the soaked piece of paper did not do well in the pouring rain.This being my first time in VIrginia I wasn't very impressed. The weather wasn't very welcoming, I frustratingly wiped my forehead with my soaked jacket sleeve.

About a gazillion(If that's even a number) things were crammed into my head, interrupting my current train of thoughts- getting into some dry building.

In the first place, I wouldn't even be here if  Kasey didn't have to be so stubborn. Especially when it came to where we were to spend the two week break thanks to Thanksgiving. 

I personally just wanted to stay home in Miami, Florida.Well at least there I wouldn't have to be soaking wet. Instead I could be toasty warm in my living room in front of our gigantic fireplace. Actually if it wasn't for the fact that Kasey was my best friend and I loved her to death, that is exactly where I would be, drinking my mom's homemade hot chocolate. Oh well, hopefully this is going to be the last time I would have to visit this place again.

Virginia is Kasey's hometown, well to be exact she wasnt born here, but she lived here most of her life and this is where all, or most of her family lives. Even a month before the break, she made me promise that I'll go with her to Virginia to visit her family and get to know her even more.

Well that was her excuse for dragging me over here, the real reason was so that she didn't have to go by herself. Selfish? Yeah thought so.

This wasn't even the main reason my head was bursting from frustration, starting from five o'clock in the morning to three p.m. The thing I wished for most right now was Kasey. I wished she didn't have to leave earlier to quote on quote 'spend time with her grandparents, and get everything ready,' Once again the real reason was to skip a few days of school. Something I couldn't bear doing. 

I passed a car window and glanced at myself in the reflection. A gasp left my lips as I saw the hideous beast, which was me by the way. I ran a hand through my soaked hair (Which at the moment portrayed a rat's tail)

My eyes averted from my appaling state and percieved the drenched instrunctions. I tried to make out a few scraggly words at the end of the sentence. My first guess was it said 'Starbucks'.

The thought of a hot latte made my stomach growl. Awkward. The lady beside me gave me the 'Weird much?' look. I glared back at her, I mean I can't help my natural instincts.

Scaring the crap out of me, my phone rings from my backpocket. I shakily slide my slim finger across the glossy screen.

"Hey Kase, Where are you?...............No, I can't read it, It got all smeared..........Yeah.....I think soo...... k, bye."

I quickly crossed the busy street and neared the door to the Starbucks. I pushed on the door with all my mass, and yelped in pain as all my weight slammed against the door without it nudging. My hip made contact with the metal handle making my side feel like I've been shot. I bit my lip to keep myself from whimpering like an idiot.

I noticed the small sticker that said 'PUL-' aparently the other L got scratched off. I silently pulled the door glass door towards myself, and stepped inside. I looked around to make sure no one saw my first failed attempt. Satisfyingly only seeing a few people staring at me, I walked over to an empty booth and from there I continued my search for Kasey. After a few scans of the whole place I just kinda gave up, looking at my phone I checked the time and the notifications. Nothing. I sent a quick text to Kasey asking her where the heck she was. 

Then out of nowhere, somebody closed my eyes from behind. "Guess who?" a voice half whispered half screamed in my ear, I knew exactly who that voice belonged to, my eyes lit up and I turned around with a big smile on my face.

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