CH 7: BUSTED!!!!!

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" Rapunzel is so pretty, and she has magical flowing hair, and green eyes, kind of like you Jessi." Constance rattled on and on as we walked out of the movie theater. She can talk people to death, but that last simile that she gave was pretty accurate. I looked at Jess and she blushed " Thank you, Constance" she said politely.

" So who's coming with me?" I asked everyone. Aunt Becca brought her smart car today so she could only sit one more person. " Me, me, me, me, me, I want to go, pick me, pretty please!"  Constance was begging " All right and who else? " I asked " Not me, I have to discuss a few things with aunt Becca. " Kasey perked up. 

Well it's decided and I kind of like the arrangment this time, even though Constance will be there. It wil give me a chance to show Jessi how great we are together. 


Kevin sat Constance in the car seat and buckled her in, than sat in the driver's seat ad started the car engine. I stared straight ahead not daring to make eye contact with him.

We backed out of the parking lot and instead of following aunt Becca in her green smart car, we headed in the opposite direction. I was a little confused so I asked Kevin where we were going. " Oh, well I decided to take the longer, scenic route. I wanted to show you something" I looked back at Constance who was fast asleep. Just looking at her made me a little sleepy. I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes.

I wasn't completely sleeping, but could have fallen asleep any time. Kevin was probably the best driver I've seen, for some reason we didn't hit not one bump on the road. The whole drive was smooth, 'till we came to a stop and Kevin got out to open my door. He gently brushed a piece of hair away form my face and I opened my eyes.

" Where are we?" I asked still sounding a little sleepy. " I'll show you, come on you can get out of the car now.' He said I stepped out of the car and observed my surroundings. Trees everywhere, birds singing, not a cloud in the sky. It was all breathtaking.

" Wow!' I whispered mainly to myself. A gust of wind blew against my unprotected skin, I shivered. " Here, " Kevin hung his jacket over my shoulders. " Thank you," I said looking up at him . He smiled in return.

We walked towards the narrow path leading into the depth of the forrest. " There, did you see it?" he asked suddenly.  "No, what am I looking for?" I asked " There it is! Shh.  We might scare it." I franticly looked around not being able to see what he was talking about. Kevin put his arm around my shoulder, and pointed in the distance. I gasped.

I saw the most beautiful creature, it bent down and ate some green grass. It's back was speckled white with brown spots. I didn't even care for the fact that Kevin's arm was around my shoulder. The deer, was breath-taking. 


We walked back towards the car, I  still had my arm around her shoulder.

I started the engine once again. '' Thank you so much Kevin, she was beautiful." Jess said gazing back at the forest, and then back at me. " You'r right, it was beautiful, just like someone else I know." I leaned in, going for a kiss, and gazed into her charming green eyes.

" Are you two going to kiss now?!" Constance rudely interrupted. I glared back at her, I'm guessing she woke up somewhere between us getting in and out of the car. "'r brother Kevin just finished showing me the forest right over there" Jessi tried to explain blushing and a little embarassed. She reached behind her and pulled out my jacket handing it to me. " Thanks again" she said not making eye contact.

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