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My eyes slowly opened and a searing pain came to my head causing me to shut my eyes tightly again. In order to lessen the pain I took a deep breath, which made me realize how heavy my chest was. Man where in the world was I? Opening my eyes for the second time, a bright light shone directly over head. Wincing I shook my head to clear it, and blinked a couple of times to get used to the brightness.

My eyes wandered around the spotless white room. Okay so one place in particular was out of question; My room. Suddenly my eyes landed on an IV a couple of feet away from me. A hospital ! An alarming thought penetrated my brain. I tried to think of the last thing that happened.

Saying goodbye to Jessi. Going to a random party, beating the crap out of Seth. Getting back into my corvette. Blackness.....

A car accident? I'm in here because of a car accident? Another alarming thought entered my head. I tried to sit up and failed, looking at my chest, the first thing I saw was messy, blonde hair. My mind perked up in hope....

I slowly picked up a piece of hair, off the girl's face. Seeing Jessi's peaceful face in return, put a bright smile on mine. I looked towards my other hand and saw that her fingers were gently intertwined with mine. I let out a happy sigh. Carefully and reassuringly squezing her slim hand.

Unfortunatly it was a little too loud causing her to stir a bit, her head burrowing deeper into my chest. I tried not to breath as loudly just so she could go back to sleep. This action seemed to work as Jessi began to drift off into sleep, her breathing more even now. Looking at her figure next to me made me realize one important detail. 

She came back.....

I'm sure that this was kind of a sign, a sign meaning that she realized that she actually likes me. Maybe she even likes me back as much as like her. 

Having these kind of thoughts in my head made me feel like a hopeless romantic. But if that's what I  felt like who cares if it sounds girly. It's something that i can't exactly control.

No one can, you can't pick who you fall for.......

So this is it, I finally fell for a girl. After all those dozen of girlfriends I finally fell for the one and only Jessi Collins? The sad part in this being the fact that she wasn't even my girlfriend....

Even if falling for Jessi was wrong, I'm sure it would be worth the trouble later on. No matter how much pain it will possibly bring, knowing that she came back would make it better.

She came back.....

A small three word phrase continued to constantly penetrate my cluttered mind and thoughts.


The door slowly opened to reveal a young, brunette nurse. Seeing me wide awake brought a satisfied smile on her face. But a few seconds later she noticed that Jessi was still snugly sleeping next to me. Now a grim frown marred her slightly tan face. After glancing at her wristwatch, and then writing something on her clipboard, she walked over to the other side of my bed. " Does the front desk know she's here?" The girl asked with a certain distaste to Jessi.

" I don't know I just woke up. " I muttered my voice on the edge of being angry and annoyed at the same time. " Well she should probably leave because she is probably tiring you out, and you just came out of a coma. I'll have the doctor check up on you in a few minutes. In the mean while, i would love to see you'r girlfriend out. " She said a smirk now forming on her previously grim face. 

" No. She's not bothering me, i want her to stay. " I said steadily increasing my volume till I stopped using my inside voice.  The nurse uncomfortably shifted from one foot to another." Well we'll see what the doctor thinks about it" She finally answered picking up her clipboard and jotting down a quick note, then walking towards the door. As her hands reached the silver handle, she turned around and threw another mencaing look at the sleeping perfection. Letting out an annoyed sigh she purposely slammed the door on her way out. 

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