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"Dear, your gonna have to decide who will take you to the airport. I'm available, but we need to leave in fifteen minutes. " Aunt Becca explains, as I sit at the breakfast table eating my cereal. "Is Kasey gonna be home to drop me off?" I chew on my flakes enjoying every bite.

"Kasey should be home from the school on time to take you to the airport. " Aunt Becca checks the time on the opposite wall, and smiles as if though she saw someone. "Good morning honey." She motions for the 'honey' to come and give her a hug. As the person comes into view, I should have known it was Kevin. He walks over to his mom and gives her a quick hug, before grabbing an empty bowl, and settling down at the table.

"So?" He mumbles through his cereal. "Were trying to decide who's gonna drive Jessie to the airport. "His mom takes the lead in explaining. "Oh." Is the only reply, I guess someone wasn't in the mood I hold a conversation today.

"We'll I have to go wake up Constance. I'll make sure to call you and confirm the ride arrangements dear." And with that she left me and Kevin in a somewhat awkward silence. I wasn't willing to be the first one to break it, so for about thirty seconds the only thing you could hear was the clanking of spoons against bowls. ''Umm, so what time?" He gives in and asks, not looking up from his cereal.

"Huh?" I crinkle my nose in confusion. Lets just say the question wasn't entirely clear. "Oh I meant what time do you leave?" The question was clarified. "Twelve, I think"My unsureness was caused by not looking at my ticket long enough, so I wasn't entirely sure.

"Cool" was the one word reply


And things just got back to being awkward. 

Another fifty seconds passed, "well I hope you had a great vacation." This time he actually looks over at me and gives me a broken look. My insides cringe wondering what happened to put him in such a bad mood today. "Umm yeah, I did" the reply comes out all quiet.




"Need help carrying those?" He asks from the bottom of the stairs. "Maybe, I don't think making fifty trips is going to be easy." I let out a heavy grunt, trying to hold the suitcase a little higher, preventing it from dragging on the stairs.

"Is this the last one?"

"HA. no" My sarcasm seeping through. I try to blow a piece of hair out of my eyes.

"How many do you have left?" He takes the suitcase from my hands and continues carrying it down the rest of the stairs "two I think." We both walk back up the stairs for the rest of my stuff." Gee Jess, what did you pack in here?" I look over at him, and see his muscles flexing, my breath hitched in my throat, and I try to swallow." Umm clothes and stuff." I reply, quickly averting my eyes, picking up the smaller suitcase and lugging it down the stairs.

With a thud, I got the last suitcase down the stairs. I let out a loud 'whew' and sat down on my suitcase, Kevin sat on the other suitcase. 

"So who's picking all this up?" "Kasey I think." I checked my phone for any missed calls, sadly finding no new notifications.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"Time for you to get a watch." I took a moment for mentally snickering at my old joke, as a frown formed on his face. "Just kidding" I take out my phone again to check the time." It's 8:47" I lock my phone and look up at Kevin. "And Kasey hasn't called? And neither has mom?" I shake my head, checking my phone again. "Well you should probably call her and ask" a kind suggestion was brought to attention. " I guess." I begin to pull out my phone, as it starts to ring. I answer." Hello?" "Classic" Kevin mutters, and I roll my eyes."Jessie?" The person on the other line asks." Yes " I recognize Aunt Becca's voice and relief washes over me. So I wasn't forgotten. "Sweetheart, Kasey called. And I'm afraid she has bad news." I let out a groan but quiet e ought for we not to hear. "Yes." "She got stuck in a huge amount of traffic." "Will she be here in the next ten minutes?" I ask hoping the answer was gonna be a yes." I'm afraid not dear. You might wanna call a taxi." I shuffle my feet, biting my bottom lip. "Okay." "Once again, I'm sorry dear." "That's okay."I lie, "well call me when you guys get there. If, you guys get there." Her final words before hanging up the phone. 

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