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"Hello! Am I talking to myself dear?" a slightly wrinkled hand passed by my face a couple of times, pulling me back to planet earth. I heaved out a low sigh, realizing I was still  at home, talking to mima. "Sorry, I was thinking....." I answered, not wanting to be rude, she was my grandmother after all. "Do you want to share what you were thinking about?" she asked, her tone eager. "NO! we saw how that turned out before." I said trying to hint about the previous dinner conversation we had.

I mean I love my grandma and all, it's just that she can't keep a secret. Not even a simple one, like the fact that I really liked Jessi.....No, she just had to blurt it out, didn't she. I mean I don't understand the serious difficulty she faced, when trying to keep her mouth shut. Oh well, looks like I'm never gonna find out.

"Where you thinking about that Jessi girl, the whole time I was talking to you?" She pried, smiling a little. " no..." I answered, not completely lying to her, but also not telling her the whole truth. "Oh, well I think she's a nice girl, and apparently you adore her. So why haven't you asked her out yet? I mean she's leaving tomorrow night." she explained this all to me as if I was three. I winced a little at her last sentence, it reminded me of how little time we had to spend together....roughly 24 hours.

"Watcha guys talking about?" once again I was startled from my trance of thoughts, as Jessi joined in on our small conversation. "Nothing!" I butted in, before mima could get a word in." Well that's okay, you don't have to tell me your secret. " She smiled knowing that I was hiding something, and I decided to play along, just for the mere fun of it. "I don't know what you're talking about..." I said putting on my poker face. "Oh, well I didn't say you did. I mean I totally understand the fact that you two were sitting here in silence, for the past thirty minutes or so." She replied, acting all innocent, but I could hear sarcasm oozing out of her voice.

" Yes, we do lead very interesting lives...." I remarked humorously, earning a nudging look from grandma, and a small giggle from Jess. "So Kevin, aren't you forgetting to ask dear Jessi something quite important?" my grandma cut in, raising her eyebrows, and looking at me and Jessi in turn. Almost nudging me to say something, with just her eyes.

I could feel my cheeks burning as I felt Jessi's eyes on me, her face in a curious expression, I could tell it wasn't time just yet to ask her, so I desperately raked my brain for a good excuse. "Um, yeah. is dinner ready?" I successfully wriggled out of the awkward situation, like a worm, wriggles out of his hole. "Yep, I just finished baking the biscuits, and you're dad is wrapping up, and putting away his grill." She said, this time more enthusiastically. "Oookay then.....let's go eat the yummy food!" I announced getting up from my seat, and earning a meaningful glance from mima.


" Who wants to pray?"  Dad asked, as everyone was settling around the round dining room table. My grandma decided to do the honors. After the short prayer, my parents indulged in politics, and us 'kids' decided to talk about future colleges and universities. I swear if one of my bro's were here, we would be talking about something more important, like football, and stuff. But no I was stuck talking about Yale and Harvard, for most of the dinner time.

In the middle of my sentence, my phone went off from my back pocket. I quickly checked to see who it might be. I scanned the ID which read 'The Boss' yep, it was Andrew. I slid my finger across the screen in order to read the text.

Wassup dude? -The Boss:Wow, he was so original

Eatig dinner....u? -Me:I made sure that my phone was safely out of sight of any grown up, that way they wont get infuriated, and take my phone out of spite.

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