Chapter 1 - Jake.

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Above is music you can play whilst reading :) sorry for it being so dramatic near the end, I just felt as though the start of the song fitted well with this chapter

Two years ago I was a foolish, immature young girl. I'd love to say that I've changed. But in all honesty, I'm still the same. 

They say that falling in love will be one of the best things for you to ever go through. That finding the "one" changes your life for the better. In my circumstance, it was the complete opposite. I worked in a little bakery at first, my family were immigrants from Poland because of the war. They moved to America and gave birth to me, causing them to go through severe financial problems, to the point where they had no choice but to steal in order to raise me up. Eventually, when I turned 12, I was forced to start working more intensively as otherwise my parents would have no money and become homeless. When I turned 14, I left school to work on a farm where a 17-year-old named Jake promised me he'd "change my life". He made out that he was rich, and played with my fragile heart to cause me to believe that we had something special, that I was important to him and that he'd help me.

For the first year everything went really well. I was successfully paying my bills and received more money than I should have gotten. Every young girl admired Jake - they saw him as some sort of celebrity and were head over heels in love with him. What could I say? I was the exact same. But with me, I was his favourite. He'd allow me to stay with him after work, where we'd at first lay down together on the sofa, but soon started becoming more intimate. 

We then began living with each other. I left my parents for my selfish needs, who although found successful jobs from Jake's father and seemed to be doing okay, still needed my financial support. Jake manipulated and brainwashed me into thinking that it would be cruel for me to stay with my parents and "leave" him all on his own. Midway through me being 15 and Jake being 18, we ran away together. I was famous in my town for being missing. Everyone knew who I was, and I soon began to become famous worldwide, my face on headline news for months. I had to watch my parents cry as they pleaded the interviewer for help, my eyes glued helplessly to the tv screen in despair. What could I do? At that age, I knew I had made a mistake. I knew Jake was dangerous. I was scared of leaving him, scared of what he could do.

I changed my identity. My face, my hair, my name, even my own body shape. I dyed my jet black hair to bright blonde and grew it out, changed my large nose to a cute button one and stopped using fake tan so that my skin stayed pale. I always wear blue eye contacts and makeup, something I never once did before. I dieted and exercised, so changed from a size 10 to size 6. Even my strong Polish accent is changing. I've been working on it sounding American, and I can tell a difference already.

I am now 17 and Jake is 20. He lies about his age and states that he is also 17 so that he can be in the same classes as me in school, for he for some reason feels as though he has a duty to accompany me wherever I am. Last year, my confidence began growing. I joined a new school, became well-liked and felt as though nothing could stop me. I'd stand up for myself when Jake would give me insults, or demand me to do what he wants. This caused him to physically hurt me. 

It all started with a slap. A slap I remember so vividly. I remember the anger in his eyes as they burned into mine, and the way my body trembled as I stared at the boy I love in a completely new way. I had to miss school for two days before makeup was able to cover up the bruise he gave me. 

He showed no remorse. He did it again and again until his confidence grew more and he became more violent. He'd pull my hair, punch me, kick me. All sorts. But that could never compare to what he does to me today. And don't get me started on the emotional abuse.

I stared at Jake through my window, admiring his beautiful face but judging his disgusting personality. The soft breeze rushed through his hair, messing it up and allowing it to go back against the wind. He was smoking a cigarette as a frown creased his forehead, his focused eyes looking forwards in deep thought. 

He's so handsome. But so cruel.

 But so cruel

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