Chapter 11

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I slowly knocked on the door in front of me as my racing heart caused my head to flood with hundreds of terrifying thoughts. Who am I becoming? Escaping from my own house without Jake knowing to go cheat on him. I couldn't help but desire the feeling of being cared for and having that comforting, safe reassurance of love. 

I heard footsteps hurrying downstairs, and then caught a glimpse of an adorable grin from behind a window. Soon after, a handsome tall figure stood in front of me, his captivating smile plastered onto his symmetrical face. Before I could even open my mouth, two arms embraced me into a hug, and a soft hand wiped the tears trickling down my cheeks as I shamefully stared at the floor.

"I know what's going on." He whispered.

I remained silent. I didn't want to protest in an attempt to make him believe that everything was fine. I knew that he was too intelligent for mind games, and I secretly felt overjoyed that somebody was finally addressing my emotional and physical abuse. 

"I want to stay with you." I whimpered into his chest as I held back more tears begging to explode. 

"I want to stay with you too." He breathed into my hair, "I worry about you every day."

I love you

Those three words felt so right at that moment, but a part of me told me off as Jake's beautiful face appeared in my mind, staring at me with a frown. Yet he still managed to look so handsome. His dark, mahogany eyes hungrily enveloped mine and glistened with mischeif. My heart thudded in fear when his image turned to one full of rage. He began screaming and raised up his hand before fading into darkness. 

I exploded into tears and soon found myself wailing into Oliver's chest like a helpless little child who had just been scolded. I was scared. My head still hurt from the painful blow my boyfriend gave me, and I was almost certain that I needed medical help from the hospital. But at the same time, I didn't want to waste my time with Oliver. It felt bad yet so magical when it was just us two, as though I was living the dream my ten-year-old self always wanted. 

"I could kill him..." I heard Oliver whisper under his breath as he moved closer towards me, the strong grasp of his arms still wrapped around my shoulders. It was as though he was hugging me tightly to ensure that I wouldn't be able to ever leave him, and would forever stay safe in his embrace. The feeling of his body pressed against mine gave me a feeling I've never felt before - a feeling of true love. "Why does he do this to you?"

I opened my mouth to reply but quickly hesitated when his arms left my body, leaving me staring into his concerned eyes. We remained intently staring for minutes that felt like hours, reading every emotion that burned in our expressions, allowing us to deeply understand the feeling we both shared. We both knew that what we were doing was risky and dangerous. But we both also knew that we couldn't help ourselves. The mutual feeling of intense love we shared was so strong it was as though we could risk anything if it meant we'd stay together. It's crazy how much you could care for someone after only knowing them for a few days.

However, I knew that Oliver was aware of the fact that if anyone was going to get hurt the most... it would be me. I was the one who lived with Jake. Sure, Jake may find Oliver one day and beat him up, but Oliver is strong and can defend for himself and doesn't have to live with him. I was in a worse position and that scared the both of us. He could murder me in my sleep for all he wanted. 

"Well, come in." He eventually smiled, breaking the silence which burned with frightening yet loving thoughts. I silently obeyed as I trailed behind him, wondering what tonight would entail. Just the two of us for once, in a place which guaranteed safety and comfort. For some reason, it reminded me of my old house and the feelings it gave me. I remember always coming home from school to my mum worrying about financial problems and what we were going to eat. I wouldn't express it, but deep down I wanted to live elsewhere, away from my family and with somebody who had money. Which is why the second Jake promised me wealth and food, I knew, or at least thought, he would be the one for me. Oliver's house was nothing like my house back in my hometown. It was grand yet comfortable and full of ornaments that brought a smile to my face. However, to my surprise, I didn't find anything to do with Oliver's gymnastics. I love the fact that he has a hobby which he is so passionate about, and could easily do as a full-time job, but still chooses to have a proper education to help expand his intelligence. Jake could never compare to Oliver. Which could be why Jake clearly detests him so much.

"Want something to drink?" Oliver asked as he walked towards his kitchen, me following behind him whilst gazing around his house in awe.

Suddenly, I realised how badly I craved water, and nodded before quickening my pace and walking into the kitchen. "Water please," I told him as I watched him get a glass.

After grabbing two glasses of water which somehow managed to look expensive, Oliver sat beside me and turned to the side so that we were both facing each other. My heart could have jumped out of my chest at any second. This was my first time seeing Oliver up close without his school uniform, and he still managed to look even more handsome.

"We haven't actually discussed our past lives before," he acknowledged, his bright eyes brimming with interest. "So, tell me, where are you from?"

"Well... I was born in Poland." I began, grinning when I saw Oliver's eyes light up in shock.

"No way!" He gasped, "I've always wondered where your accent came from."

I let out a soft chuckle before carrying on. "We were very poor... my grandparents gave birth to my parents during WW2 which was a struggle seeing as Poland's economy was not doing well. After the war, they were both pretty much homeless, which wasn't uncommon for the Polish. My parents met during the 1980s and moved to America to help with their financial problems and to give birth to me, in hope that America would help them get money to raise me up. But this only made things worse. My mum gave birth to me in 1998 when they were in their forties so... pretty old I suppose" My heart dropped when I thought of my parents, and how they would be coping now. Right now they'll both be in their 60s and in need of my support. I'd do anything to see them again, "their jobs gave them barely anything so they started to steal. As soon as I was 12 I started working. I always hated school so this was like a dream come true to me." 

A smile stretched across my face when I thought of an old lady named Debbie who I'd always work with in a bakery. Although she looked intimidating, she was the kindest and most supportive women I had and will ever know. She gave me the best advice which I still swear by till this day. Without her I wouldn't be the strong women I am today. She taught me everything... but if only I listened to her when she warned me about Jake. "Two years later I had two jobs... in a bakery and in a farm."

"With Jake?"

I nodded, but couldn't help feeling ashamed. I stared at the floor for a few seconds as memories of my naive old self flooded my overwhelmed mind. Oliver squeezed my hand and gave me a warm gaze, a way of telling me it's ok. 

"A lady who I worked with in the bakery hated Jake. She'd always tell me he's trouble when I told her stories about him. I would never believe her. I was convinced that she was simply jealous that I had a new job and was getting along with my new co-workers. But also... I was so brainwashed and manipulated by Jake that I'd only listen to him. He helped my parents so much with money that it was like I didn't need to have a job. So, I quit my work in the bakery, and focused on my work on the farm with Jake."

Thoughts of me and Jake making out in his brown, dusty old sofa which stood in his kitchen came to my mind and made me shudder. I wouldn't be surprised if he made out with tons of other girls from that farm. But for some reason... I was different from them. So different that he decided to run away with me. 

"Before you knew it we were on the run from our past lives, ready to live a new life which I thought was going to be incredible." I didn't want to say anymore. I hated talking about the past and my old stupid self who trusted people too easily. And anyway, I wanted to know more about Oliver. He seemed so tough and mature, and I never heard anything about his parents. I wonder if anything's happened to him...

"Anyway, enough about me." I fake chuckled before Oliver could give me sympathy. "What was your past like?"

 "What was your past like?"

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