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I lay in my bed staring up at my ceiling until the sun comes up

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I lay in my bed staring up at my ceiling until the sun comes up...I couldn't sleep...I have to much on my mind and I was afraid to go back to sleep...I didn't want to have another night terror again...its to painful...

A tear then ran down my cheek...what did I do to deserve this...

I then felt sleep take over me but then I jerked myself awake. No I can't sleep...I can't...I then couldn't resist anymore and I ended up falling asleep...

Elisabeth Dream:

I open my eyes and I was in the abandon park...the sky was an orange type of color and their were crows flying everywhere. My heart starts to beat real fast and I begin to shake...

All of a sudden the crows start to fall to the ground one by one all around me...They were.....dying....

When they were all dead on the ground I look to see they all were circled around me...

I don't understand...I said confused.

I back up slowly and then I bump into something hard...

I turn around and my eyes widen in fear...It was him again...The piercing blue eyes, the slick back blonde hair, the sinister smile...

WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!! I scream at him with tears streaming down my face.

You of course...he says with a sinister smile.

LEAVE ME ALONE! I yell on the top of my lungs.

Sorry love but I can't do that...you see have you ever wanted something so bad you would just die to have it...He asks.

Why do you want me....I ask.

Don't be stupid....I want what pumps through your veins....He said disgusted.

M-my blood...I ask trembling.

Smart girl aren't you...He says smirking.

W-why...I ask.

You'll find out....soon. He says with a sinister smile.

All of a sudden I hear my name being yelled in the distance...It sounded like Misty and she sounded really scared....Then everything went black...

I snap my eyes open and I seen Misty looking at me real worried....

Misty? I said confused.

Oh my god Elisabeth! Are you ok?? She asks me hugging me....

Yes why? What happened?? I asked nervous.

Ok...Elisabeth...I'll start from the beginning....She says taking a deep breath.

Well, I was at home and it was about noon.... I texted you and I got no reply...I then started to get nervous because you always reply back...A couple hours then go by and still no reply from you...the sun then started to go down and I panic.....I run over to your house and when I was about to knock on your door, I noticed your door was slightly cracked....I run in and go up your steps and I look in your room.. you looked like you were having a panic attack! Are you ok??

I-i'm fine..I say smiling

Elisabeth...you can tell me anything...She says.

Really i'm fine..I said.

I look over at my clock and it was 9:00 at night...I rub my face and sigh.

Hey, can I spend the night? She asks.

Sure but schools tomorrow...I said.

I don't care...I just want to make sure your going to be alright...She says.

I'm glad I have a friend that cares about me...I tell her.

She then smiles, hey you up to watch a movie? She asks.

Sure, what you wanna watch? I ask.

Up to you, She says.

I then get up and go over to my movies...I pick out Wrong Turn and we go downstairs. We go into my living room and I put the movie in my DVD player. Misty sits down on my couch and I turn all the lights out... I then make my way over to my couch and I sit down next to Misty...

The movie then starts to play on my big TV and I start to zone out...I start to think about my dreams I've been having lately....What if they come true.....What if my life is really in danger....I then sigh...I feel like i'm drowning in fear, stress, and depression...

When wrong Turn was over we watched another movie and then when that was over we watched another one....The sun then started to come up....

Morning already? Misty says stretching and yawing.

Yeah...I said sighing.

I then up and stretch...

Well going to get ready for school..I told her.

Ok i'm going to go home and get ready to...see ya at school. She says smiling and walking over to the door. 

Ok, I said.

And with that she was out the door....I sigh, I wonder what today going to bring....

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